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What's New In Modern Prefab
This housing downturn is going to be long and painful, and when we come out of it what we build will have to be smaller, greener and denser. We are going to need to rebuild what we have to reduce our buildings' carbon footprints rather than build more new stuff. We are probably going to need jobs for skilled hands more than we need digital fabrication.
Nonetheless, there is still a lot of creativity in the field, a lot of young, talented architects coming up with great
Mormon City Creates New Dangerous Solar Battery (Coorstek)
Drafted by a company named CoorsTek, the battery promises to destroy our fossil fuel industry by exploiting solar energy generated by the Sun. The solar powered cell threatens our way of life by marginalizing the life blood of the American dollar: fossil fuels. Oil.
Anything that is anti-oil is anti-America and anti-God. It is anti-Christ.
In a nutshell, should this battery become required within all homes in America, it will become a part of an overly complex self-renewing solar grid. Each home would have rechargeable/replaceable batteries that are capable of storing and generating a small bit of energy, in addition to also pulling distributed energy from main solar power lines.

Amount of electricity consumed
by common small appliances
New -- EV = 100 miles is 25kwh
26,500 watts: Elec. furnace, 2000sf, cold climate
7,941 watts: Elec. furnace, 1000sf, warm climate
1,440 watts: Electric space heater (high)
900 watts: Electric space heater (medium)
600 watts: Electric space heater (low)
750 watts: Gas furnace (for the blower)
1,100 watts: Waterbed heater
450 watts: Waterbed heater (avg. 10 hrs./day)
3,500 watts: Central Air Conditioner (2.5 tons)
1,440 watts: Window unit AC, large
900 watts: Window unit AC, medium
500 watts: Window unit AC, small
750 watts: Central AC fan only
400 watts: Evaporative cooler
350 watts: Whole-house fan
100 watts: Floor or box fan (high speed)
90 watts: 52" ceiling fan (high speed)
75 watts: 48" ceiling fan (high speed)
55 watts: 36" ceiling fan (high speed)
24 watts: 42" ceiling fan (low speed)
4,400 watts: Clothes dryer (electric)
2,000-5,000 kWh: Washing machine (per load)
4,400 watts: Electric oven
3,800 watts: Water heater (electric)
200-700 watts: Refrigerator (compressor)
57-160 watts: Refrigerator (average)
3,600 watts: Dishwasher (w/water heater)
1,200 watts: Dishwasher (no water heater)
60 watts: 60-watt light bulb (incandescent)
18 watts: CFL light bulb (60-watt equivalent)
5 watts: Night light
0.5 watts: LED night light
150-500 watts: Desktop Computer & 17" CRT monitor
1-20 watts: Desktop Computer & Monitor (in sleep mode)
90 watts: 17" CRT monitor
40 watts: 17" LCD monitor
45 watts: Laptop computer
340 watts: 50-56" Plasma television
260 watts: 50-56" LCD television
170 watts: 50-56" DLP television
270 watts: 42" Plasma television
210 watts: 42" LCD television
125 watts: 32" LCD television
55-90 watts: 19" CRT television
165 watts: Xbox 360
70 watts: Xbox
30 watts: PS2
1,440 watts: Microwave oven or four-slot toaster
225 watts: Mixer
1,500 watts: Broiler
800 watts: Blender
400 watts: Trash compactor
180 watts: Can opener
900 watts: Coffee maker
800 watts: Range burner
700 watts: Slow cooker
800 watts: Food processor
60 watts: Stereo
600 watts: Vacuum cleaner
1,200 watts: Hair dryer
150 watts: Electric blanket
75 watts: Sewing machine
1,200 watts: Iron
4 watts: Clock radio
3 watt-hours: The total power stored by an alkaline AA battery.
3D Animations: Belgian Antarctic Station's Final Design

Belgium has a long history of scientific activity in Antarctica, dating back to the first over-win
The station has evolved to a hybrid design, with the main building above ground-level and anchored onto snow-free rock area and a garage and storage building constructed under the snow in the lee side of the ridge. Both are connected with the main building through a weather protected bridge. Figure 1 shows an as presented in the press conference in May 2006.
The facilities will use renewable energy as the primary energy source with the minimum use of fossil fuels [1][2]. The whole station is conceived as state of the art of sustainable development technologies with the highest energy efficiency and the lowest environmental impact, fundamental issues of the Antarctic Environmental Protocol.
The severe ambient conditions at the site make the use of wind tunnel modeling

Virginia Joins the Rush to
Install Smart Meters
Power grid could transform quickly
---plans to install 46,500 "smart meters" in Charlottesville and surrounding Albemarle County by the end of the year -- the first of 13 electricity conservation projects slated
--meters, which will enable commercial and residential building occupants to track and adjust their electricity consumption in real time. Dominion, in turn, would have the ability to stop and start electricity service and read meters remotely
SMART METERS: Installations allow real-time tracking and adjusting of energy consumption.
Water Fuel Cell by Xogen--hho gas system that can be used for space heat

Rural Space designed to give eco-tourism a temporary lift
The self-sufficient Rural Space is powered by wind and solar energy
MAGNETIC MOTORS...this is moving very fast now and deserves attention.

Wind turbines begin generating power at Meijer headquarters
by Shandra Martinez
The Grand Rapids Press
Monday April 13, 2009, 8:31 PM




The fan-like turbine will generate 2,000 kilowatt-hours in a year for a home with a very good-
-called Class 4--wind resource, according to the company.
That's between 15 and 20 percent of the annual electricity consumption for the average U.S. home.
This Conversion of our Homes to All Electric needs to be Detailed.
It is at the top of my list for things to do next..
www.kingspanlighthouse.com/energy.htm above pie chart
All Electric Homes
Future Energy Homes
Homes of the Future
Home Hot Water Heating
Current Electric Home Heating Furnaces
Home = All Electric Footprint Items ---all of the dwelling energy needs below will be converted to electricity. (**Etstimate 10 to 15 times the electricity consumption today)
** This is an estimate,,, but it should drop for several reasons to be expanded on later.
Personal Transportation
Household -- lighting, appliances,
tools, technology devices
Heating Garage --
Air Conditioning
Clean Water
Waste Water
Hot Water Heater
Home Hydrogen Generator
Green House
TOTAL ELECTRICITY USED per year = 10 to 15 x current electricity use per home > kind of!
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