6-1-09 JUNE 1st, 2009

I hope people will consider suggesting sites to go to that add to a greater picture of where we are going with ENERGY and our HOMES/DWELLINGS energy needs
I have to do a lot to it yet....like
( Should I take out all written comments on personal energy views and positions about our energy leadership positions, views, and failure ?
Is energy an unavoidable partnership of personal conflicting and contentious opinions, differences, concepts and struggles )
I intend to shut off entries at 100 items and then colate, index and interface the most important discussions and information rich sites.
It is the hopes of this site to be a place where all of us can go to learn, discuss, contribute, challenge, and participate in understanding and defining our Clean Water and Electricity Energy Priorities.... for ALASKA.
I was trying to construct this site in hopes for a 5 day long Anchorage/ MatSu Peoples Congress and Open Forum on our Energy Development Directions Priorities.
I grow more convinced everyday now that time is of the essence in moving to a Clean Energy All Electric Society.
There are others around the world who now get it (Clean Energy) and are moving quickly to lead....
CLEAN ENERGY and POPULATION BALANCE are serious business and should not be a puselanemously pussy footed undertaking ( Spiro Agnew phrase)
In closing,
This site is a well intended attempt to contribute in some positive way to our clean energy future which is truly a new and exciting future.
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