World energy challenges: Endurance and commitment
Remarks by Rich KrugerPresident, ExxonMobil Production Company
One particularly promising technology is carbon capture and sequestration, or CCS. When the three primary phases of CCS — capture, transportation and storage — are fully integrated into power plants and industrial facilities, we can truly achieve meaningful emissions reductions.
Advancements in CCS have the potential to make an impact on a global scale. However, current technologies to separate and capture carbon dioxide are cumbersome and expensive.
Our scientists and engineers have spent more than three decades researching, developing, and applying technologies to help make CCS more viable. And we are making strides.
But as we advance new technologies such as CCS, it is important to remember that energy solutions cannot be created in a vacuum, given issues of size, scope, and cost.
---Today our industry must commit to taking on the dual challenge of meeting the world’s growing energy needs while reducing the growth of greenhouse gas emissions.
But our commitment to this dual challenge is simply the first step. It defines our purpose and sets our direction. --
Meeting the demand challenge, of course, is matched by the environmental challenge.
With this perspective, the best way for us to meet future demand and help curb greenhouse gas emissions is to continue to invest in new technologies-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
World energy challenges: Endurance and commitment Remarks by
Rich KrugerPresident, ExxonMobil Production Company IPTC 2009 Doha, Qatar December 7, 2009
Your Excellencies, fellow panelists, distinguished delegates, it is a pleasure to be here in Doha at this important event.
My company is proud of its more than 15 years of partnership with the State of Qatar and Qatar Petroleum. And, we are honored to play a role in Qatar’s impressive rise.
We salute the Qatar National Vision 2030 launched by His Highness the Emir. We are pleased to take part in supporting its four pillars of human, social, economic and environmental development.
It is fitting that we discuss commitment and endurance in this country that impressively demonstrates these virtues in helping to meet the world’s energy needs.
Qatar’s vision and leadership serve as an example of what can be achieved through teamwork, innovation and technology, and an example that testifies to the power of international partnerships.
Endurance and commitment are more than just words and require more than just periodic expressions of support. In our industry, they demand a belief in time-tested fundamentals
Its all about HYDROGEN GAS and CARBON wedged into Hydrogen and Oxygen...
Where can I hide the CARBON and not pay for its negative impacts ?
http://www.exxonmobil.com/Corporate/news_speeches_20091207_kruger.aspx----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
BP and Masdar to Invite EPC
Bids for $2 Billion Abu Dhabi
Hydrogen-Power Project
BANGALORE, INDIA--January 21, 2010--
Researched by Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas)--BP plc (NYSE:BP) (London, England) and Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) plan to invite bids in the first quarter of this year for their joint venture project, the $2 billion Hydrogen Power Abu Dhabi (HDAP) project, which is set to be the world's first industrial-scale installation of an integrated hydrogen-power-generation and carbon capture and storage (CCS) unit. The project is scheduled for completion
in 2014 and is part of
Masdar's initiative to develop a carbon-neutral city in Abu Dhabi.
Largest ever prize for marine renewable energy
The Scottish Government is to offer the world’s largest prize for innovation in marine renewable energy.
The £10 million Saltire Prize was announced by First Minister Alex Salmond when he addressed the National Geographic Society in Washington as part of Scotland Week.
The prize is aimed at driving innovation at the frontiers of clean, green energy.
“With the Saltire Prize, we hope to inspire scientists around the world to combat our most pressing challenge in finding a way to bring more forms of renewable energy online as quickly as possible,” said Salmond.
The first two members of the international prize committee are to be Terry Garcia of the National Geographic Society and Anne Glover, Scotland’s Chief Scientific Adviser.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.eenews.net/public/climatewire/2010/01/05/1
Slashing emissions in ClimateWire, 01/05/2010)
coal-dominated South Africa will require an overhaul of national policies as well as significant funding, a new study finds
ClimateWire, 01/05/2010)
according to a report released this month from the German Development Institute, is achievable but is likely to be rocky. The study of private-sector investment in South Africa's electricity sector finds that early efforts to enhance and promote both energy efficiency and renewable energy "have failed to have any large-scale effects."
Capacity in renewable energy, the study found, "is lacking at every stage of the technology cycle, from research and development to installation and maintenance."
Currently, South Africa contributes about 1.1 percent of global emissions, according to the most recent 2005 data from the World Resources Institute. Per capita, it emits an average 9 tons of CO2 per person, almost on a par with the European Union and about double the sub-Saharan average of 4.5 tons.
Meanwhile, the threats of climate change to South Africa are severe, as they are to much of the continent. Experts fear that water supplies even without rising global temperatures could vanish within a few decades, and crop yields could decline as much as 20 percent.
"As it already faces climate change impacts in an increasingly carbon-constrained world, South Africa must drastically reduce its greenhouse gas emissions intensity soon," the study authors said.
http://www.greencarcongress.com/2005/08/underground_coa.html11 January 2010
Underground Coal-Gasification, Coal-to-Liquids Fuel Project in Australia
15 August 2005
Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) is a process through which coal is converted in-situ to a syngas that can be used as a fuel for power generation or as a chemical feedstock—e.g., to feed into a Fischer-Tropsch process for the generation of synthetic diesel.
UCG has been used in the Former Soviet Union for some 40 years.
In general terms, UCG uses adjacent boreholes drilled into a coal seam (typically > 100m depth). The injection wells are used to feed a pressurized oxidant such as air or oxygen/steam into the coal seam and to trigger the and subsequent down-hole ignition. The production wells recover the product gases.
Google Seeks to Tap Power Markets JANUARY 7, 2010
The Internet giant has taken the unusual step of applying for approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to become an electricity marketer
(Although more than 1,500 companies currently have status as energy marketers, the vast majority are utilities or power generators)
The company, which made the application last month through its Google Energy LLC subsidiary, says the change will help it better manage supplies for its own operations and give it greater access to renewable energy sources. The move offers an indication of just how much electricity large tech firms now consume in order to run their sprawling networks of servers and mainframes.
In 2007, Google announced its intention to become "carbon neutral," meaning it would take actions to neutralize the effects of carbon dioxide produced in the course of furnishing its buildings and data centers with electricity. It installed a 1.6-megawatt solar array on its headquarters building and has been trying to obtain green power, when available.
If its FERC request is granted, "we could go directly to a renewable energy project and buy power for our operations," says Google spokeswoman Niki Fenwick. The company also wants the ability to enter into contracts for carbon offsets
Google establishes energy subsidiary
A Chat With Google's Green Energy Czar
Is Google's Energy Endeavor Its Next Step In World Domination?
This is a pro-nuke and coal site ?
Where is energy headed?
Looking at 2009, it's clearly been one for the ages: a global economic meltdown collided with a brewing energy crisis to turn the world on its ear.
Due to these circumstances, in the United States we've witnessed an unprecedented spending on energy resource development and infrastructure. As a result one thing is clear — a new energy architecture is emerging.
French Government Rushes to Save Carbon Tax
December 30, 2009
French ministers scrambled on Wednesday to rescue a carbon tax aimed at cutting energy consumption, which was annulled by the Constitutional Court just 48 hours before it was due to come into force.
France's highest court stunned President Nicolas Sarkozy's government late on Tuesday by ruling against the tax, saying there were too many loopholes benefiting major industrial polluters.
The new tax was expected to raise 1.5 billion euros (2.15 billion dollars) next year and the court's decision will put added pressure on the budget deficit, already forecast to come in at a high 8.5 percent of gross domestic product in 2010.
Ministers promised to present a revised text on January 20 but it could take weeks more to get the law back through parliament and badly needed cash flowing into state coffers.
"The government is going to persevere. It is a tough fight, but a worthwhile one," government spokesman Luc Chatel told LCI television. "France has to remain in the forefront of the battle to protect the environment," he added.
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
December 14, 2009
Fact Sheet: Clean Energy Technology Announcements
Today at the Copenhagen climate conference, on behalf of President Obama, Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced the launch of a new initiative to promote clean energy technologies in developing countries. Secretary Chu also welcomed progress under the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate (MEF) and invited his counterparts in MEF and other countries to a first-ever Clean Energy Ministerial next year.
Climate REDI
Secretary Chu today announced the launch of a new Renewables and Efficiency Deployment Initiative (Climate REDI). The program will accelerate deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies in developing countries – reducing greenhouse gas emissions, fighting energy poverty and improving public health for the most vulnerable, particularly women and children.
Climate REDI includes three new clean energy technology programs and funding needed to launch a renewable energy program under the World Bank’s Strategic Climate Fund:
America's Leadership in Clean Energy
This settlement has been reached with the BP Defendants (“BP”) in a class action lawsuit alleging that the Defendants manipulated the TET propane market during April 2003 and again between February 1, 2004 and March 31, 2004, thereby violating antitrust and state consumer protection laws. TET propane is propane transported in the Texas Eastern Products Pipeline Company (“TEPPCO”) pipeline system, which is the primary source for propane used in residential, commercial and agricultural heating in the northeastern United States. TEPPCO is the largest single storage facility for physical propane in the world.
Manipulation of the propane market caused inflated pricing not only for TET propane but for other non-TET propane as well. As a result, people who purchased propane between February 1, 2004 and March 31, 2004 paid higher prices for propane than they would have if the market had not been manipulated. BP has agreed to a cash settlement of $15,250,000.
Industrial Info Resources:
Valero Energy Selects Contractors for
$200 Million Hydrogen Project at California Refinery, an Industrial Info News Alert
SUGAR LAND, TX (MARKET WIRE) Researched by Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas) — Valero Energy Corporation (NYSE: VLO) (San Antonio, Texas) has selected contractors to construct a $200 million, 100-million-standard-cubic-feet-per-day hydrogen plant at the company’s refinery in California. SNC-Lavalin (TSX: SNC) (Montreal, Quebec) is one of several companies that were selected.
Updates: Whatever happened to Fuel Cell Progress? (Scientific American) (0.657)
Air Liquide Prepares for Start-Up of New Hydrogen Capacity, an Industrial Info News Alert (Marketwire) (0.505


Obama praises Copenhagen agreement
Contested deal breaks climate deadlock

Plastic alternatives have less impact on environment http://news.yahoo.com/video/environment-15749659/17206017
AEP ranks among the nation's largest generators of electricity, owning nearly 38,000 megawatts of generating capacity in the U.S. AEP also owns the nation's largest electricity transmission system, a nearly 39,000-mile network that includes more 765 kilovolt extra-high voltage transmission lines than all other U.S. transmission systems combined.

9 December '09
Carbon Capture and Storage
is a Flop… No, It’s A Success!
Will carbon capture and storage ever work?
Fat chance,
Actually, it works right now, Mike Morris of American Electric Power, Co. (AEP), the country’s biggest carbon dioxide emitter, tells the The Wall Street Journal today. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) will allow the company to eliminate emissions from its coal-fired plants by 2025.
What gives?
Exxon’s Production Company President Rich Kruger, gave a speech yesterday at the International Petroleum Technology Conference in Qatar, staking out the middle ground between his own company’s Energy Outlook and AEP.
American Electric Power, Carbon capture and storage, David Hone, Energy Exxon Mobil, Mike Morris

India’s cleantech start-ups
by techstar on December 11, 2009
EnNatura of Dehli has developed washable,bio-degradable printing ink from vegetable oil.The offset printing industry in India alone consumes one million tonnes of petroleum products and emits 500,000 tonnes of volatile organic compounds every year.“I can see a company like this growing into a billion dollar global business,” says Vivek Wadhwa of Duke University, who studies entrepreneurs.Solar-based LED lighting start-up Pegasus Semiconductor of Rajasthan makes off-grid home and street lighting systems using LED lights and solar for the power. It has done about 1,200 installations in Rajasthan and about 35 with companies and government and is expecting to reach revenues of $250,000 by the end of fiscal 2009.Aura Herbal Wear makes textiles using organic cotton and processes it using only herbal dyes.”Traditionally, there are about 8,000-odd chemicals used in processing textiles. Our patented process does away with these,” says Arun Baid, who became an entrepreneur about five years ago and is already making annuals sales of $350,000.These green companies have caught the fancy of VCs. EnNatura has already been funded by a group of mentors, Navam Capital, and the government. Aura Herbal Wear has been funded by Gujarat Venture Fund Ltd.Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ) has already made five cleantech investments in India in the areas of power from waste, e-waste recycling and solar LED lamps. Sachin Maheshwari of DFJ says that post-Copenhagen, there would be a lot more in clean technology companies, especially in the efficiency and emissions space.
As the government comes up with new regulations that corporates will need to meet, the demand for such products will soar. These cleantech companies might also get additional subsidies from the government, which is keen to promote green technologies. India has already seen 49 investments in the cleantech space over the last three years.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 11, 2009

An army of chief executives attending the international climate talks in Copenhagen urge government officials to curb emissions and unleash a new wave of so-called clean energy investment.
"What has changed in the last 10 years is that businesses have understood that to be sustainable is a must, and there is no future without concern for the environment," said Philippe Joubert, president of Paris-based Alstom Power, which operates power plants around the globe and recently opened the world's first pilot-scale plant for capturing and storing carbon dioxide emissions from coal.Joubert and several other business leaders in Copenhagen said they want the climate talks to yield long-term rules that will set a price on greenhouse gas emissions.The sentiment, oddly enough, echoes the consensus of oil and gas executives who gathered for a conference in Houston early this year."There's one point which the whole energy sector agrees upon, which is the need to make a decision on the future price of carbon," said Peter Brun, senior vice president for government relations at Vestas, the Danish wind company whose blue logo graces the giant turbine spinning outside the Bella Center
Ford, UDM forge electric vehicle
engineering program
Ford Motor Co. and the University of Detroit Mercy announced Tuesday that they have developed a new seven-course advanced electric vehicle program to help Ford and other engineers develop the skills needed to build tomorrow’s electric cars.
Kuzak said the industry’s push toward electric vehicles is creating the most fundamental change in the automotive engineering world in at least 15 years. As a result, engineers trained to develop and integrate the new systems used in electric vehicles are in high demand, Kuzak said.
Those who wish to apply should contact: Duane Spytman at 313-993-3378 or Valarie Glisson at 313-993-1128.

funding is shot down
Energy Secretary Steven Chu said yesterday that 32 projects across the nation will get $620 million in federal grants designed to test the best way to use new technology to better run the electric grid.
“This funding will be used to show how smart-grid technologies can be applied to whole systems to promote energy savings for consumers, increase energy efficiency, and foster the growth of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power,” Chu said.
The biggest award, $88.8 million, went to the Battelle Memorial Institute in Richland, Wash., for a five-state, 60,000-customer grid to demonstrate communications between utilities and the people and institutions making and using electricity.
SDG&E asked for $100 million to pay for improvements it said would build on high-tech technology it is already installing, such as 1.4 million “smart meters” that can track electricity usage in 15-minute increments, rather than once a month.

Green Technology is set to be the new growth engine to further enhance Malaysia-Germany economic and political ties.
While Malaysia is fast moving forward to be a science-based country, Germany, an industrialised nation, has a lot to offer to Malaysian companies in areas the European country have proven track record
"I've a lot of faith that this marks the start of a new chapter in Green Technology.
"I firmly believe Malaysia can be a world leader in renewable energy applications as it has accepted that it must do something to address climate change.
"This is because Malaysia has plenty of sun, biomass, palm oil, abundant resources. These are instrumental for renewable energy.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The transmission of power over great distances with the high-voltage DC transmission system reduces the CO2 emissions due to smaller energy losses. Accordingly, a HVDC system in India decreases the CO2 emission by approx. 690.000 tons per year compared to a conventional AC transmission system. The world`s biggest HVDC system over a distance of 1.400 km with a power transmission capacity of 5000 MW was ordered by China only recently. It will transmit power generated by hydroelectric power plants between the province of Yunnan and the province of Guandong located in the south of China. Also between Australia and Tasmania a HVDC system by Siemens is transmitting power – via the world`s longest undersea cable.
High-voltage DC transmission (HVDC) system (235-MVA-HVDC power transformer for the distance Australia-Tasmania)

U.S. Probes High-Voltage Cable Price-Fixing; A Sea Change?

High Voltage Cable
U.S. Probes High-Voltage Cable Price-Fixing; A Sea Change?
An undersea high-voltage cable. Note the coral.
Reuters quotes a statement from the U.S. Department of Justice that the Antitrust Division has started taking a look at "the possibility of anti-competitive practices in the submarine and underground cable industry."
On Monday, the Competition Bureau of the European Commission said in a press release:
The European Commission can confirm that on 28-30 January 2009 Commission officials carried out unannounced inspections at the premises of companies involved in the manufacture of high voltage undersea cables. The Commission has reason to believe that the companies may have violated EC Treaty rules on restrictive business practices (Article 81), which prohibit practices such as price fixing.
The Reuters item notes that an Italian company, Prysmian, and the largest cable-maker, Nexans, confirmed involvement in the investigation. A Prysmian press release says:
Prysmian informs that antitrust authorities of certain countries commenced investigations aimed at assessing commercial practices in the submarine or underground high voltage cable market.
Prysmian is cooperating with the representatives of the competent authorities for the purpose of enabling the completion of the above mentioned investigations.
A "communique" from Nexans, a French outfit, says:
An investigation of Nexans, along with other international cable manufacturers, has been undertaken by competition authorities in Spain, Japan, South Korea, and the United States, as well as by the European Commission concerning in particular high voltage activities of the Group.
From time to time, investigations such as this one are carried out by competition authorities. Nexans is cooperating in providing requested documents.
At this stage, Nexans has no other comments to make.
Singapore high voltage Tunnel
1 2 3 4 5 next
Gripper shield front
Large diameter tunnels for high voltage power circuitsNearly 30km of large diameter tunnels ranging in diameter from 3.5m to 6m have been designed to carry high voltage power cables in Singapore for PowerGrid. Of these, approximately 6km are currently under construction. The 200 million Singapore dollar project began when PowerGrid commissioned Mott MacDonald, in association with Development Resources, to undertake a study into the feasibility of constructing large diameter tunnels to accommodate HV power cables.
By Chandani Kirinde
The proposed India-Sri Lanka Electricity Grid Interconnection project which aims to lay an undersea power line between Rameshwaran in South India and Talaimannar could be commissioned within 42 months from the inception of the work on the project, according to the pre-feasibility report on it.
It has been estimated that the project will cost around Rs 4.8 billion. The basis for the cost estimates have been based on quotations from leading HVDC (high voltage. direct current) equipment manufacturers in Sweden, France and Germany.
The pre-feasibility report is to be followed up by a full feasibility study to be undertaken jointly by the two countries shortly, The Sunday Times learns.
According to the pre feasibility report, the proximity of the location of India and Sri Lanka provides for the opportunity of power exchange between these two countries through transmission interconnection.
The power supply position of India is envisaged to improve with the commissioning of planned capacity additions, especially in the southern region which is expected to have a large quantum of surplus supplies between 2011 and 2012, reaching a peak surplus of around 6000 MW and an off peak surplus of 12,300 MW.