Wednesday, May 27, 2009

#4a.. > EV + BATTERY STORAGE older

Big Blue dreams of a
big green battery

Spike Narayan, a researcher for IBM has been working on Lithium-Air batteries, which the company said has the potential to pack up to 10 times the power stored in Lithium-Ion batteries commonly found in cell phones and laptops.

Researchers purposely damage batteries
to see how much abuse they can take
April 1st, 2008
Researchers in the Power Sources R&D group at Sandia National Laboratories have been driving nails into batteries, heating them to extreme temperatures, overcharging them, and putting them into some of the most adverse conditions possible to see how much abuse they can take before they blow up.
And for certain types of lithium-ion batteries the answer is a lot.
Start Up Battery Company Developing Li-ion Batteries With Twice the Energy Density at Same Costs
August 24th, 2009

The next generation lithium-ion batteries from a small start up called Sakti3 could offer twice as much energy density at the same price per kWh as current li-ion battery on the market.
Sakti3 is a small spin-off start up created from the partnership of the University of Michigan and General Motors. The company was founded by U of M professor Ann Marie Sastry

Scientists at Argonne Discover
New Battery Chemical
That Could Increase Durability and Decrease Cost of Li-Ion Technology
By Eric Loveday, Author, August 25th, 2009
Two researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory have discovered that adding less than a gram of a molecule they created can effectively control a lithium ion's battery voltage from increasing outside of the safe operating range
How to Make Electric Cars Cheaper? Use the Same Batteries!
Chevy-Volt age !
GM Volt battery pack. Photo: GM
Economies of Scale, Baby!
Mike Tinskey, the manager of sustainability activities focused on electric vehicles and infrastructure at Ford, made an interesting speech at the Plug-in 2009 conference in Long Beach.
He said: "The biggest issue with batteries now is not necessarily the technology, it’s the volume. If the battery manufacturers could get north of 100,000 packs, annually, prices come down drastically. One path forward is that we all collectively focus our initial volumes on common packs." But that's not as easy as it sounds...
Let's All Push in the Same Direction
--But one of the main downsides is that this makes it hard, at least at first, to reach
GREEN CAR Press Review

Li-ion Battery Recycling Starts Getting Attention
Car batteries actually have the highest recycling rate of any waste product in the world. Since they are, effecively, blocks of valuable metals, it isn't hard to get someone to pay for them once they stop holding a charge. However, while that easily applies for lead-acid and nickel batteries currently being used in traditional and hybrid vehicles, it's not as simple for lithium ion batteries. Lithium ion batteries just don't have much in them that is economically useful.
--------Conceptual illustration of Volt fuel cell variant. The car is ultimately propelled by electrical power like the pre-production Volt, but with a battery pack that is half the size (8kWh). Estimated fuel economy would be equivalent to 75 mpg. ----------
Currently, lithium carbonate is pretty cheap stuff, and it just isn't economically viable to recover it from batteries. Of course, thtoxcoat could easily change. As more and more batteries are produced, the world's current capacity for lithium could easily be strained. Additionally, from an environmental perspective, it would be really bad news to have a new kind of battery that no one wants to recycle. Even if it isn't economically viable, Li-ion batteries contain all kinds of weird stuff that we don't want leaching into the ground water. Those are the two reasons why Toxco, a company that already recycles nickel and lead batteries, is getting into the Li-ion game. And, also, why the DOE just gave Toxco a $9.5M grant to develop lithium battery recycling technology. Toxco has been recycling small lithium ion batteries for more than a decade already, but new chemistries and the possible bulk of vehicle batteries is requiring them to re-focus on lithium. Hopefully, recycling Li-ion batteries will soon be just as easy as recycling any other kind of car battery. If not, it will be harder to sell buyers on the "green" part of electric vehicles. One thing I won't say is that we're just "trading one unstable fuel for another" and that soon we'll be dependant on unbalanced countries for our lithium. Lithium is not a fuel, it's way of storing power. It is not used up by car batteries and there is plenty of it in the world. Don't start worrying that lithium is the next crude oil, it's not, e ...August,18 2009

NEW TECHNOLOGY - Clean Energy Press Review
Ceramatec: Bringing Distributed Power Storage to Your Home
A company in Utah is developing a battery system for home-based electricity storage that may make energy storage much easier and more economical for off-the-grid homes as well as helping to improve the efficiency of grid-tied homes. The technology being developed by Ceramatec is a new variation on sodium sulfur batteries, an existing technology with very high energy density, but best suited for very large scale, industrial style installations such as grid storage. However, these batteries have the potential to bring the advantages of sodium sulfur batteries to a much wider range of uses. Currently, sodium sulfur batteries operate at very high temperatures - above 300 degrees C (572 degrees F), and the components in them are corrosive. This isn't the sort of thing that you would want in your home, and, for efficiency, they work best at a much larger size; they aren't really at a home-scale size. On the other hand, there are some advantages to sodium sulfur batteries. They use very common and inexpensive materials, which makes them attractive. And the high energy density means that a small battery is all that is needed for a large amount of energy storage. The Ceramatec battery separates the sulfur and sodium from each other with a thin ceramic membrane which allows electricity to be stored while operating at a much lower temperature. Ceramatec envisions a refrigerator-sized unit that would remain below 98 degrees C (208 degrees F), the melting point of sodium. Keeping the sodium solid makes for a much safer battery. The battery could store 20 kWh worth of energy, either from local, sustainable sources such as wind or solar, or from off-peak recharging from the grid, much like a plug-in hybrid car recharges when the grid demand is low. One of the biggest obstacles for implementing home-based power generation has been the lack of storage options. Grid tied net-metering options are available in many states, but not in all. And ...
less than 21 hour(s) - Monday August,17 2009 @ 09:46 AM
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Power Shift
New battery could change world,
one house at a time

The prize is the culmination of 10 years of research and testing -- a new generation of deep-storage battery that's small enough, and safe enough, to sit in your basement and power your home.
It promises to nudge the world to a paradigm shift as big as the switch from centralized mainframe computers in the 1980s to personal laptops. But this time the mainframe is America's antiquated electrical grid; and the switch is to personal power stations in millions of individual homes.
Former energy secretary Bill Richardson once disparaged the U.S. electrical grid as "third world," and he was painfully close to the mark. It's an inefficient, aging relic of a century-old approach to energy and a weak link in national security in an age of terrorism.

August 15, 2009
Capitalism Versus Science

Technology and Industry
The manufacturing industry in particular is supposed to be where capitalist innovation is in its element. We are told that competition between companies will lead to better products, lower prices, new technology and new innovation. But again, upon closer inspection we see private interests serving as more of a barrier than an enabler. Patents and trade secrets prevent new technologies from being developed. The oil industry in particular has a long history of purchasing patents, simply to prevent the products from ever coming to market.
Competition can serve as a motivator for the development of new products. But as we have already seen above, it can also serve as a motivator to prevent new products from ever seeing the light of day. Companies will not only refuse to fund research for the development of a product that might hurt their industry, but in some cases they will go to extraordinary lengths to prevent anyone else from doing the same research.
The 2006 documentary “Who Killed the Electric Car” goes into great detail about the role of big oil companies, auto manufacturers, and the US Federal Government in preventing an alternative vehicle from hitting the road. The filmmaker claims that auto companies would lose out if an electric vehicle was ever produced because of the simplicity of their maintenance. The replacement parts side of the auto industry would be decimated. Oil companies would see a dramatic reduction in the demand for their products as the world switched to electric vehicles. It is claimed that hydrogen fuel cells, which have very little chance of being developed into a useful technology, are used as a distraction from real alternatives. The film maker blasts the American government for directing research away from electric vehicles and towards hydrogen fuel cells.
But the most damning accusations are against major oil companies and auto manufacturers. The film suggests that auto companies have sabotaged their own research into electric cars. What’s worse, is that oil companies have purchased the patents for NiMH batteries to prevent them from being used in electric vehicles. These are the same batteries that are used in laptop computers and large batteries of this type would make the electric vehicle possible. But Chevron maintains veto power over any licensing or use of NiMH battery technology. They continue to refuse to sell these batteries for research purposes. Some hybrid vehicles are now using NiMH batteries, but hybrid vehicles, while improving mileage, still rely on fossil fuels.
While the purchasing of patents is an effective way of shelving new innovations, there are certainly other ways the capitalist system holds back research and development. The very nature of a system based on competition makes collaborative research impossible. Whether it be the pharmaceutical industry, the auto industry or any other, capitalism divides the best engineers and scientists among competing corporations. Anyone involved in research or product development is forced to sign a confidentiality agreement as a condition of employment. Not only are these people prevented from working together, they are not even allowed to compare their notes!
Peer review is supposed to be an important piece of the scientific method. Often, major advancements are made, not by an individual group researchers, but by many groups of researchers. One team develops one piece of the puzzle, someone else discovers another and still another team of scientists puts all of the pieces together. How can a system based on competition foster such collaborative efforts? Simply stated, it can’t.
The governments of the world clearly recognize this as a problem; every time they are met with a serious crisis, they throw their free-market ideals out the window and turn to the public sector. It has been argued many times that World War Two was won by nationalization and planning. Capitalism in Britain was essentially put on hold, so that the war effort could be effectively organized. In the United States, such large scale nationalization did not take place, but when it came to research and development, the private sector was not trusted to handle it on their own.
Will electrification ignite a lithium
boom? 8/13/2009
The start flag has dropped and the race to build lithium-ion batteries for vehicles has started
America’s future energy course is being charted today because of the ramifications of peak oil, because cars pollute
It would be very difficult to overstate the importance of U.S. sourced lithium in Obama’s coming Electrification of America.
U.S. lithium sources & reserves
Lithium carbonate is needed to make the cathode material and the electrolyte used in a lithium battery, lithium Carbonate (Li2CO3) is produced from Lithium Chloride.
August 12, 2009 4:25 AM PDT
Batteries set to become $60 billion industry by '13

Will Obama’s billions jumpstart the electric car? The Green Piece
A123's expansion is made possible by the grant announced Wednesday. It's part of $2.4 billion in grants for 48 projects in 25 states to develop next-generation electric vehicles and batteries.
Electric Brakes fo Future CarsIt is a little stretch to put this item on The Energy Blog, but the Electric Wedge Brake (EWB) would save weight and energy in future automobiles in adddition to revolutionizing braking systems. Siemans VDO's EWB braking system makes possible a 12Vsystem

COLD---ICE---FREEZING--cold weather electric arctic vehicles Freeze


Battery Grant Winners!: A123Systems Rakes in $249M
August 5th, 2009 in
Automotive,Big Green,Energy Storage,Policy

It’s significant that A123Systems has snagged one of these first and largest grants in a pool of some 165 applicants, since the program’s goal of getting technology into large-scale production within two to three years, and the requirement for awardees to share costs, tends to tilt the scales away from younger ventures.


August 5, 2009
Jump start for Electric Vehicles

From Indiana and Michigan, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden announced the recipients of $2.4 billion of grants for the electric vehicle industry Wednesday.
Most of the Energy Department's funding for the projects is going to those two states. See who's getting funding and where their projects will be located, in the map and table below. Click on column headers to sort.
New Battery Stimulus Spending Is Another GM Bailout
Jay YarowAug. 5, 2009,

The President announced today $2.4 billion in stimulus spending on advanced battery technology spread across 48 different projects. The money will go to a variety of battery makers, tech companies, automakers and Universities.

Battery Awardee List --WOW !

Nissan's plan to change the world gets a nice shot in the arm from this go round of government spending. Its partner, Electric Transportation Engineering Corporation is receiving $99.8 million to deploy charging stations in the nine markets--towns in Tennessee, Arizona, California, Washington, Oregon--where Nissan initially plans on selling its electric car at the end of 2010.

Nissan Unveils Its Electric Car, The LEAF, And Its Plan To Change The World
August 3, 2009
BMW selects battery
maker for its electric vehicle
Munich, Germany -
BMW’s planned Megacity electric vehicle will use batteries supplied by a joint venture of Bosch and Samsung, a 50:50 joint venture of the two

BMW currently has its Mini E, a purely electrically-powered vehicle, in large-scale testing with some 600 vehicles in the U.S., Great Britain and Germany.
BMW’s City Electric Vehicle coming to U.S. by 2012
Published in issue of Chip Design Magazine
FPGA Vendors Throw Kitchen Sink at Power-Consumption Issues
By Brian Fuller
In the storied history of semiconductors, each era finds vendors generally attaching their strategy to a trendy application segment to differentiate themselves. For years, IC vendors were “computer companies.” Then they were in the “communications” business and more recently they were all about “consumer.”
But the evolution of technology has forced a re-assessment not only of technology but of positioning – to the point where most vendors are attaching themselves to low-power, which ------ For an increasing number of battery-powered electronics applications, this can be a key differentiator as the flash technology helps reduce leakage at standby.

Li-Ion battery supplier EnerDel teams with Nissan on new Li-Ion electrolyte
Argonne National Lab in Chicago will be Enerdel/Nissan’s research hub.
Wayne Gerdes - CleanMPG - July 31, 20092010 Fisker Karma PHEV – 0 to 60 in 6 and a 50-mile AER with a possibly EnerDel supplied Li-Ion pack. On the heels of being the rumored Fisker Karma battery supplier and actual Japan_BEV Postal truck battery supplier announcement, Enerdel is looking towards even more advanced Li-Ion’s for the future. Ener1's (parent of EnerDel) business consists of designing, developing and manufacturing rechargeable Li-Ion batteries and battery systems for energy storage. Its end markets include transportation, stationary power, military applications and small cell markets. In the transportation markets, the Company is currently developing systems to power the next generation of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
July 30, 2009
Inventors look to crack electric car conundrum
Nanowerk News) Researchers grappling with the problem of developing the most fuel-efficient electric cars are using micro-jet turbine engines and 'supercapacity' batteries to help energy-conscious consumers drive further.
Companies from Europe, Japan and Israel believe on-board chargers and high-powered battery technology could give them an edge in the race to produce a commercially viable electric car – and investors are beginning to buy into the idea.
Kentucky Shows States Widening Deficits for Stimulus (Update1)
July 31 2009
When the U.S. government made stimulus funds available to develop batteries for hybrid and all-electric vehicles, eight states waged a bidding war to lure manufacturers such as EnerSys and Exide Technologies and get a piece of the $2 billion pot.
Kentucky may get $5 million for battery research

August 2, 2009

“Kentucky stands on the threshold of creating the nation’s first research and development facility that will focus solely on creating the technology for energy storage that can be used by electrically powered vehicles,” said Gov. Beshear. “I urge the U.S. Sen
Battery Technology Breakthough: Physicist Develops New Type of Battery with Incredible Energy Density
March 15th, 2009
Electric Cars

Physicists at the University of Miami and Tokyo have together invented a new type of battery, featured in the journal Nature. The batteries are “spun” fibers about the thickness of a hair and utilize nanotechnology elements to give them incredible energy density.
Read More: Battery Technology Breakthough: Physicist Develops New Type of Battery with Incredible Energy Density
Engineers working on converting foot power into battery power
Ians July 28th, 2009
Engineers are developing a way to capture the energy released by the marching boots of soldiers and are trying to use it to power their equipment, according to the latest research.
The new system designed to convert foot-power into battery power could help troops reduce the weight of their packs by up to 10 kg.
The project has been designed to address the needs of infantrymen. Heavy packs can severely limit a soldier’s mobility and also lead to long-term health problems.
The typical pack weight that an infantryman carries on a six-hour patrol is around 75 kg, with batteries making up 10 kg of the load. Essential kit such as ammunition and water make up much of the rest.
A similar energy harvesting idea has been used in cars for some time where braking force is stored and later used to drive the vehicle forward.
However, harvesting energy from people walking has always proved difficult due to the flexibility and strength of the materials required and the fact that everyone’s walking patterns are different.
The devices will use high tech ceramics and crystals as piezoelectric transducers in order to convert mechanical stress into
New Lithium-Air Battery Has Huge Storage Capacity
Tue Jul 28, 2009
team of Japanese scientists have developed a new type of lithium-air battery cell with an ultra-large capacity, and say that it holds great potential for the next-generation of electric cars.

Researchers at the country's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) predict that at a filling station, the driver of a vehicle equipped with the new battery could make use of a revolutionary new cassette refill system, and then continue driving without waiting for batteries to be recharged.
Although Lithium-air batteries have been singled out as having great potential as future large-capacity batteries they have been plagued by a persistent problem. A solid reaction product (Li2O or Li2O2), which is not soluble in organic electrolyte, clogs on the air electrode (cathode
VIASPACE Sells Battery Analyzer Instrument to Top Research Group
at University of South Carolina
Unique, Patent-Pending Technology to Aid Improvements in Performance and Safety of
Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries
IRVINE, Calif., July 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/
-- VIASPACE, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: VSPC), a clean energy company providing products and technology for renewable and alternative energy, announced that it has completed the sale and delivered one of its BA-1000 Battery Electrode Health Analyzer products to University of South Carolina.
The BA-1000 was delivered to the research group of Prof. Ralph E. White, Distinguished Scientist in the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of South Carolina. Prof. White is an expert in the mathematical modeling of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries that power virtually all portable electronic devices today and are a strong candidate for electric vehicles in the near future. These models are potentially important in predicting performance and safety of lithium batteries.
Improving the performance and safety of lithium batteries is a major challenge for battery manufacturers
Posted: July 30, 2009
Lithium-Ion Battery Maker EnerDel Teams With Nissan to Research Key Electric Vehicle Battery Material

Nanowerk News) Advanced lithium-ion automotive battery producer EnerDel and the Nissan Motor Co. of Japan are teaming up to research a new generation of electrical conductive material intended to reduce cost and improve the performance of electric and hybrid vehicle batteries.
"This project is about continuing the evolution of a critical technology," said Charles Gassenheimer, CEO and Chairman of EnerDel, parent company Ener1, Inc. "Nissan is one of the leading companies driving the electric vehicle market today. Over 12 months of discussions on this effort, our management and technical teams have had a tremendous opportunity to get know
Thursday, July 30, 2009

World Outlook for Information Technology Battery Chargers
The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Information Technology Battery Chargers

This econometric study covers the world outlook for information technology battery chargers across more than 200 countries. For each year reported, estimates are given for the latent demand, or potential industry earnings (P.I.E.), for the country in question (in millions of U.S. dollars), the percent share the country is of the region and of the globe. These comparative benchmarks allow the reader to qu
07-30-09 NanoMarkets Publishes Report on Batteries and Supercapacitors for Smart Grid

NanoMarkets Publishes Report on Batteries and Supercapacitors for Smart Grid

GLEN ALLEN, Va., July 30 /PRNewswire/ -- The market for battery and supercapacitor storage systems for Smart Grid applications will grow from $1.5 billion in 2012 to $8.3 billion in 2016, according to a new report from NanoMarkets, an industry analyst firm based here. Additional details about the report, Batteries and Ultra-Capacitors for the Smart Power Grid: Market Opportunities 2009-2016 can be found on the firm's website at Members of the press may request an executive summary from the report.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Around the capitols: Washington
Diluting federal aid will doom car battery industry

While Detroit was building gas-guzzling SUVs and large pickup trucks, the Japanese, South Koreans and Chinese were perfecting the manufacturing of lithium-ion battery cells with heavy government support.
Their governments understand that he who makes the batteries will one day make the cars. Today, U.S. companies produce less than 1 percent of all lithium-ion battery cells.
The $2 billion federal investment will give the U.S. battery industry a last chance. But with more than 160 applicants -Technological flexibility is critical because lithium-ion technology is changing rapidly
It is time for a new SEMATECH -- this time for lithium-ion battery cells.

UQM Technologies finalises supply deal with Coda Automotive for electric cars
28th July 2009
UQM Technologies,
a developer of alternative energy, has finalised a deal with Coda Automotive, a California-based electric car company to supply it with 100 electric systems over the next decade.
Initial shipments under the agreement are expected to begin later this year and ramp up prior to scheduled deliveries of the Coda all-electric sedan in the California market in mid-2010.
The new Coda car is powered by a 33.8 KWh lithium-ion battery with a range of 90 to 120 mph. The onboard charger plug can charge for a 40-mile commute in approximately two hours. The battery system will be supplied by a joint venture between Coda Automotive and battery manufacturer Tianjin Lishen Battery Co.
‘We are pleased to have Coda Automotive as a production customer and are looking forward to a rapid expansion of our manufacturing capacity to meet the volume requirements for this exciting vehicle launch,’ said William G Rankin, president and CEO of UQM Technologies.
Transportation July 28, 2009
New Lithium-Air Battery Has Huge Storage Capacity

Researchers at the country’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) predict that at a filling station, the driver of a vehicle equipped with the new battery could make use of a revolutionary new cassette refill system, and then continue driving without waiting for batteries to be recharged.
The 120-kilowatt electric trucks were handed over today in a ceremony in Washington, DC, to Coca-Cola, Staples, Frito-Lay, AT&T, Pacific Gas & Electric Company and Kansas City Light & Power.
“The Smith Newton electric truck demonstrates that smart business and green business savvy go hand-in-hand. We congratulate Smith Electric, a true industry leader and innovator, for accomplishing this important milestone,” said Robert L. Kanode, President & CEO, Valence Technology.
“Valence Technology is proud to supply the safest, longest-cycling lithium-ion advanced battery solutions for this groundbreaking fleet application. Here in the US, we are starting to see the green automotive industry move faster and reach further than ever before, and the Smith Newton serves as a prime example of just how much can be accomplished.”
“These trucks will make an immediate, positive impact on our country and our planet, reducing operators’ carbon footprints and greenhouse gas emissions, and tremendously benefiting future generations to come. The Smith Newton is also smart business – a Valence Technology battery system in a fully-electric vehicle saves on maintenance and energy costs.”
The Smith Newton electric truck is powered by U-Charge®, lithium-ion advanced batteries from Valence Technology, and features a 120-kilowatt induction motor that can deliver a range of more than 100 miles on a single charge. The newest electric fleet trucks are emissions-free, run without noise or vibration and can reclaim kinetic energy during start-stop urban operations through regenerative braking. The on-board battery charger can achieve a full battery system recharge in as little as 6 hours.

Why did Warren Buffett invest in battery manufacturer BYD?
While something of a rather bizarre name the BYD F3DM is the world's first mass production plug-in hybrid sedan (retailing at around $22,000) which actually went on sale on 15 December 2008 to Chinese government agencies and various corporations.
In simple terms the vehicle uses the latest lithium iron phosphate batteries which are said to be the safest in the world because of their chemical make-up, even though they contain slightly less energy than more traditional lithium ion batteries.
The most recent version of the BYD F3DM is said to have an all electric journey range of 62 miles (100 km) although
One of the most amazing aspects about the BYD F3DM is the fact that the running costs for the vehicle are between $1.44 and $2.72 per hundred kilometres based upon an electric price range of between 9c and 17c per kilowatt
What Are Ultracapacitors
Find out about ultracapacitors - how they work and what they are used electronics
Printer Friendly Version Ultracapacitors (sometimes called double-layer capacitors or supercapacitors) store energy electrostatically by polarising an electrolytic solution. Unlike batteries no chemical reaction takes place when energy is being stored or discharged and so ultracapacitors can go through hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of charging cycles with no degredation.
EEStor Battery Ultracapacitor
Find out about a new battery for electric vehicles - 10 times the power of lead acidstorage news transport
Printer Friendly Version Details of a new energy-storage technology are slowly being released by Texas startup EEStor. While electric motors and hybrid vehicle technology have improved at a huge rate during recent years, battery technology has remained static with weight, low energy storage, and cost being the main bottleneck in electric car development.
EEStor's alternative to current lead acid and lithium-ion battery technology is a parallel plate ultracapacitor using barium-titanate powders.
EEStor claim that the new technology can store 10 times more power pound for pound than lead-acid batteries while costing half as much and without needing toxic chemicals
Game Changing Battery Technology: Is It Here Now?
By: James Kingsdalec Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Published on July 27th, 2009
New Technology Extends Life of Car Batteries
by Trey Granger
Pulse Technology has developed a new type of car battery charger that it claims can increase the life of a lead-acid battery by three to five times, the equivalent of eight to 10 years of extra life.
The Xtreme Charger’s goal is to reduce lead sulfate deposits that build up on the battery plates. This build up occurs naturally no matter how often the vehicle is used but is increased in extreme hot and cold weather or extended periods of engine idling.
Student-Built Electric Car Charges In 10 Minutes
Written by Jerry James Stone
Published on July 27th, 2009
Posted in EV Charging, Electric Cars (EVs

The motor is an oil-cooled, three-phase 187 kW induction motor originally designed for electric buses. Installed in the Milan, the car will go from 0 to 60 in just 9 seconds and has a top speed of 100 mph at 12,000 RPMs. And each “ten minute” charge will get you about 200 miles before you’ll need another.
The vehicle needs 350 kW of power to obtain that ten minute charge time. But the car can also use a standard outlet which would require an overnight charge.
Using a 2010 Mercury Milan hybrid and 7,905 lithium iron-phosphate batteries, the car fully charges in about 10 minutes. Whereas most EVs require overnight charging to reach full capacity, this is clearly a game changer.
July 27, 2009
New lithium-air cell could
make car recharging obsolete
Two Japanese researchers said they’ve developed a new type of large capacity, lithium-air cell that holds promise in car batteries.
The plan from the Japanese researchers calls for an electric car driver to exchange one type of electrolyte in a battery cell for a new air electrode when the battery runs low. The person wouldn't have to wait for the batteries to be recharged, much like a plan being touted by Better Place that would allow drivers to swap out batteries at filling stations (see Hawaii becomes next stop for Better Place).
In January, Staefa, Switzerland-based ReVolt Technology raised an additional $13.1 million toward its Series B funding to develop rechargeable zinc-air batteries (see ReVolt plans for zinc-air battery to trump Li-ion with $13M in funding). The company said its rechargeable batteries avoid problems in lithium-ion batteries of thermal runway, in which batteries can become overheated and combust.
Project Seeks to Optimize Composition of Magnets for Traction Motors to Improve Economic Competitiveness
8 July 2009
research project currently underway at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (Austria), in cooperation with the University of Sheffield (UK), is exploring the ideal composition and structure for high-performance permanent magnets intended for use in hybrid and electric car motors—specifically, how the proportion of dysprosium can be reduced without compromising the thermal stability of the magnets. By optimizing magnets, the researchers suggest, hybrid and electric cars can be made economically competitive.
Overall, an electric or hybrid drive contains around 2 kg (4.4 lbs) of magn
Ener1 Lithium-ion Battery System, Think Electric Drivetrain Together Selected for Japan Postal Service EV Conversion Program

First Integrated Platform of Its Kind Offers Quick, Cost-Effective Solution Scalable to Suit Wide Range of Vehicle Applications
NEW YORK, July 27
-- A new, fully integrated electric drivetrain developed by electric vehicle pioneer, Think, and powered by a lithium-ion battery system made by U.S.-based EnerDel (subsidiary of Ener1, Inc. Nasdaq: HEV), has been delivered to Japan Post via Zero Sports. Zero Sports of Japan has been selected by Japan Post as one of the conversion partners for delivering vehicles as part of a comprehensive on-road testing program which has been fast-tracked by the Japan Postal Service to electrify their fleet of 22,000 delivery vehicles.
With the support of strategic partner ITOCHU Corporation, who organized this project, EnerDel provided engineering support on the delivery of the first two postal service vehicles to Japan Post via Zero Sports.
The drivetrain is being used to convert a gasoline -powered truck to run entirely on electric drive. The real -life data will be shared with other major users and potential customers of electric vehicles, including other postal fleets in Europe and the Americas.
AIST Developing New Lithium-Air Battery; “Lithium Fuel Cell”
27 July 2009
Researchers at Japan’s AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) are developing a lithium-air cell with a new structure (a set of three different electrolytes) to avoid degradation and performance problems of conventional lithium-air cells.
The newly developed lithium-air cell has

Coda Automotive Enters the Battery Business
June 8, 2009
EVs and Hybrids
One week after unveiling the Coda electric sedan, Coda Automotive has announced a joint venture to produce lithium-ion batteries for the car.
The upstart automaker says it will build a factory with Yardney Technical Products to develop and manufacture automotive-grade batteries for the Coda (pictured), which it expects to begin selling in California next year. The four-door, five-passenger sedan will use batteries developed by Chinese manufacturer Lishen until the factory, slated for Enfield, Conn., is up and running.
Public EV recharge stations:
Impractical dream?

July 26,
That’s right.
Even if you owned the latest high-tech EV or plug-in in the world, a public charging station would be next to useless, unless your charge was totally gone. Why? Time; it takes an exorbitant amount of time to fully charge an electric vehicle. At best, you might gain a few electrons to expend
This company is working on a small battery that can store enough electricity to run a house almost all day. 7-27-09

LG Breaks Ground on Another Lithium-Ion Battery Plant in South Korea -
EEStor Founder Dick Weir Confirms ESUs Presently Being Built, and Once Delivered to ZENN by the Fourth Quarter, -
Toyota To Produce Up To 30,000 Plug-In Hybrids In 2012 -
15 Ton EV Travels 150 Miles on a Single Charge -
Renault Works on New EV Battery Technology LiFePO4

Are Lithium Ion Batteries the Best Solution For EVs?
By Eric Loveday, Author, July 26th,
The Chevy Volt carries a 16 kilowatt hour lithium-ion battery pack that weighs in around 400 pounds. The vehicle is only capable of using 8 kilowatt hours of energy from the battery. It must carry the additional 200 pounds which in turn decreases its electric only range by a measurable amount. When the vehicle reaches its end of service life 10 years from now, the battery is expected to still be able to output 12 kilowatt hours of juice. Still more than is
Fisker, EnerDel battery deal could result in EnerDel-powered Karmas by June 2010
by Sebastian Blanco on May 8th 2009

The big potential of little Enerdel
Indianapolis lithium-ion battery maker seeks essential major car maker, awaits word of federal loan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

High Power Battery Packs
There Will be No Customer Access to High Voltage on the Chevy Volt, but it Can Jump Start Another Car

May 18th, 2009
Charging, Features with 173 Comments
The Volt is different than traditional cars on many levels beyond its electric drivetrain.
One way is that its battery can store 16 kwh of energy, enough to power the average US household for about half a day.
People ask if they will be able to access that energy to power their home during a blackout, [...]
GM Volt Battery Assembly Plant Site Chosen
July 17th, 2009

Nissan May Unveil Three Production EVs Including an SUV Next Week and Wireless Charging Capability
July 25th, 2009

Nissan has made it clear they intend to enter the electric car market aggressively.
They have been working on lithium ion batteries for years since first showing the Altra concept 17 yeas ago, and have developed a unique large format laminate battery in a partnership with NEC.For over a year the Japanese automaker has given [...]

Lithium-ion batteries degrade over time.
There’s no getting around this fact. GM is going out of its way to pamper the Volt’s pack so as to guarantee up to 40 miles of pure electric range even at 10 years or 150,000 miles of driving.
Senate Approves 2010 National Defense Authorization Act
WASHINGTON (July 24, 2009) –
U.S. Sens. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., a member of the Senate Veterans’’ Affairs Committee, praised the Senate’s passage last night of the 2010 National Defense Authorization Act,
Advanced Lithium Battery Scale-Up and Manufacturing - $5 million – Intended for Excellatron Solid State, LLC, in Atlanta – This technology shifts the paradigm in battery performance by delivering more than five times the performance of the current state-of-the-art lithium battery.

Saft High Energy Li-Ion Technology for Aviation Batteries - $2 million – Intended for Saft America Inc. in Atlanta – Li-ion batteries will save weight on board aircraft, thus reducing fuel consumption and, ultimately, cost.

Hybrid Electric Vehicle Battery System

Dow Chemical ,,Johnson Controls,,Nissan,,Tesla Motors,,
Tesla and Daimler,,A123 Systems ,,South Korean company, Kokam,,SAIC in China and by Chrysler.,,lithium-ion batteries from LG Chem. ,,-- Quallion ,,Charles Haba,,
---Now Quallion has applied for up to $200 million to build a plant in Santa Clarita, Calif., that would make batteries for trucks and heavy vehicles, which could use them to avoid idling at truck stops. The Environmental Protection Agency says truck idling accounts for 11 million tons of carbon-dioxide emissions and for 960 million gallons of diesel fuel use.

Saturday, July 25, 2009
A Jump-Start for New Battery Plants
Encouraged by Federal Aid, U.S. Firms
Spring to Power Next Generation of Cars

The Energy Department is getting ready to hand out about $2 billion in grants to create a domestic industry for electric-car batteries, and 122 companies are scrambling to get pieces.

GM's Chevy Volt, above, getting a lithium-ion battery installed. The Energy Department is mobilizing funds to get U.S. firms producing the new batteries. (General Motors Via Getty Images)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minnesota College Students Create Super Hybrid Car July 26, 2009
College re-designed a Toyota Prius and more than tripled the gas mileage... It gets 171 miles per gallon.The key is a 300-volt lithium battery that sits in the trunk.The current model of the Prius
Ford outlines aggressive EV strategy - battery electric small car in 2011
January 12, 2009

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, July 26, 2009
The General Electric Co. plans to build a $100 million advanced battery manufacturing plant at the GE Energy campus in Schenectady, -The battery plant would be GE’s third major investment in the Capital Region.
The company is spending $31 million to renovate Building 53 at the Erie Campus for the renewable energy headquarters and ---
Shelby SuperCars working on hybrid motorhome
by Domenick Yoney on Jul 24th 2009 a
Battery technology is constantly changing, and to date manufacturers design their EVs around a specific battery technology. In this accelerated field, sooner than later, battery technology changes and EVs dependent on their technology ...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jul 21, 2009
The car is built on the shell of a normal Toyota Prius, a top-selling gasoline-electric hybrid, but without the need for its internal combustion engine.Instead, an electric engine, containing a supercapacity battery and a micro-jet turbine engine, powers from the rear as it drives almost silently around a test track.
ETV Motors says its batteries will power a car for more than twice as long, and with its on-board charger, will not be dependent on complicated electric charging infrastructure, though the car will be plug-in compatible, the company said.


Effectiveness of the United States Advanced Battery Consortium as a Government-Industry Partnership

Committee to Review the U.S. Advanced Battery Consortium's Electric Vehicle Battery Research and Development Project Selection Process
Board on Energy and Environmental Systems
Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems
National Research Council
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New Toyota NA president doesn't see electric vehicles as mainstream in the near future
Jul 23rd, 2009
Toyota officials have repeatedly downplayed the potential for pure battery electric vehicles and Yoshimi Inaba is no exception. -----We believe in hybrid technology," he said, adding tha hybrids are "more realistic for at least the next four-five years. Read the rest of what Inaba-san had to say on .....
An online resource for new technologies in alternatively powered vehicles.

Our Mission All new technologies bring with them their own benefits and challenges. We have attempted to explore all facets of these technologies in a manner that will allow the consumer to make his or her own decision.
BEVs require almost no regular maintenance when compared to internal-combustion vehicles
Friday, July 17, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009,
GreenSmith seeks to answer
Within days, GreenSmith Energy Management Systems LLC will install its first product, a boxed lithium-ion battery set that stores electrical power, for its first utility customer, Raleigh, N.C.-based Progress Energy Inc., at two Florida sites, one on the University of South Florida campus and another at a solar-powered bathroom in a St. Petersburg park.
Those installations — and a mid-August review of GreenSmith’s product by the Palo Alto, Calif.-based Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) — could decide the 2-year-old company’s fate.
ReVolt, BASF Pen Zinc-
Air Development Deal

SYNOPSIS: ReVolt says it solves the recharging problem with Zinc-Air batteries with a bi-functional air electrode
Swiss startup ReVolt Technology will have chemical giant BASF's (BASFY.PK) help in commercializing its rechargeable zinc-air batteries, the companies announced Thursday.
Financial terms of the deal weren't announced, but BASF said it would put its engineers on the task, as well as provide materials and subsystems to "help BASF to assess today's and future potential of this technology."


For a price, Prius can save more in fuel
Scott Emalfarb (left), chief executive of Carbon Day Automotive, hoists the charging station used to charge up the plug-in Toyota Prius of Francis X. Vogel, head of Wisconsin Clean Cities Southeast Area.
July 16, 2009

Trish Moran is getting 99.9 mpg from her new Toyota Prius.
She charges the car's new battery by plugging into a wall socket in her garage. She's doubled her already high gas mileage and can travel 35 miles before the gasoline engine and regular Toyota hybrid battery kick in.
Cost of the retrofit: $10,395.
MIT develops new fast-charging battery technology ideal for automobiles

February 18, 2006
With the world going mobile and billions of new devices requiring electrical storage, battery technology is almost certainly due for a renaissance in the near future and recent developments suggest MIT will play a role in the next significant battery technology. Less than a week ago, we reported on work being done by MIT's Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems (LEES) that could become the first technologically significant and economically viable alternative to conventional batteries in 200 years. Now a second new and highly promising battery technology is emerging from MIT - a new type of lithium battery that could become a cheaper alternative to the batteries that now power hybrid electric cars

LPG-powered Portable
fuel cell system
is 25% smaller
By Mike Hanlon , the world’s first developer of fuel cell technology portable generators, has launched an updated version of its VE100.
The VE100 v2 is smaller and lighter than the VE100 and delivers more power output.
The VE100 v2 will be unveiled at the Fuel Cell Forum in Lucerne, Switzerland on 30 June 2004. Advance orders for the VE100 v2 can be taken immediately.
Voller Energy launched the VE100 at the Grove Fuel Cell event in London in September 2003. At its launch, the VE100 was recognised as the world’s first hand held portable fuel cell system with self contained hydrogen storage.

Article Summary
April 20, 2006 <<< ---------------------------------------------------- tiny generator harnesses kinetic energy to power wireless electrical systems

Breakthrough Energy Cell Captures Vibration To Produce Electricity
By Mike Hanlon
January 27, 2005 > ???
Article Summary
February 28, 2005 A renewable energy device that captures vibration to produce electricity looks set to replace or complement small conventional batteries for a range of every day applications and enable the reliable powering of new technologies. The Kinetic Energy Cell is a micro renewable energy source able to generate electricity from vibration or motion such as from cars, trucks and even people. This means that so long as there is access to movement or vibration the cell produces energy. Because the cell can replace standard and alkaline batteries in some applications, it is a non-polluting solution to small power requirements. Six billion dry cell batteries are produced annually by the world's largest manufacturer

New Nanoscale supercapacitor can store 100 times more energy
By Paul Evans
March 22, 2009 PDT
Researchers at the University of Maryland and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology have developed a supercapacitor with 10 billion nanoscale capacitors per square centimeter, giving it 250 times greater surface area than that of a conventional capacitor of comparable size. The Nano Supercapacitor is being developed primarily as part of a hybrid battery-capacitor system for electric cars.

Electrostatic nanocapacitors formed in nanoporous anodic aluminum oxide (darker yellow) film by sequential atomic layer deposition of metal (blue), insulator (yellow), and metal. (Image credit: A. James Clark School of Engineering, U-Md.)
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Air-fueled battery boosts capacity tenfold
By Darren Quick
May 20, 2009 PDT

Now researchers at the University of St Andrews, with associates at Strathclyde and Newcastle, have developed a new type of air-fueled battery that could provide up to 10 times the energy storage of existing designs, paving the way for a new generation of electric cars and portable devices.
Dubbed the STAIR (St Andrews Air), the new battery improves capacity by adding a carbon component. Oxygen drawn in through a surface of the battery exposed to air reacts within the pores of the carbon to discharge the battery. The discovery that the carbon component’s interaction with air can be repeated, creating a cycle of charge and discharge, led to the development of the new battery.

Oxygen drawn from the air reacts within the porous carbon to release the electrical charge in the STAIR battery

Lithium-sulfur batteries could store triple the power of lithium-ion
By Dario Borghino
June 10, 2009 PDT
A research team from the University of Waterloo has synthesized a prototype of a lithium-sulphur rechargeable battery that, thanks to its peculiar nanoscale structure, can store three times the power of a conventional lithium-ion battery in the same volume while being significantly lighter and potentially cheaper to manufacture.

Structure of the lithium-sulfur batteries at the nanoscale level (Credit: Dr. Linda Nazar, David Xiulei Ji and Kyu Tae Lee

Lithium Ion Battery breakthrough promises 100-fold boost in performance
By Paul Evans
05:42 March 16, 2009 PDT
Researchers have developed a new advanced Lithium Ion battery that will allow mobile phone and laptop computers to be fully charged in seconds. Electric car batteries may be charged in as little as five minutes, removing one of the main barriers to wider uptake of EVs. Solar and wind power generation could also benefit as better batteries could be used to store surplus energy.

It may not look like much, but this new battery material could enable EVs to charge in 5 minutes (Photo: Donna Coveney via MIT)
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Electric Transportation - Technology for the Future
Electric Vehicle Technical Center
Just look at the following data from the U.S. Department of Energy:

--U.S. transportation relies on petroleum for 95% of its energy use.
--Transportation remains our biggest petroleum user, accounting for about 70% of oil consumption.
--In the United States, we currently import about 60% of the oil we consume.

With the support of leading utilities like Southern California Edison in ensuring a safe, reliable, efficient and cost-effective electric supply for use by grid-connecting electric-drive technologies, these numbers can change.
Consider the results alone from SCE’s fleet of almost 300 electric-powered vehicles – the nation’s largest and most successful fleet of pure battery-electric vehicles.

Open Access Article Originally Published: May 07, 2004

Is this progress? At the top is a 1997 Mercedes Benz A-Class battery electric vehicle with real world range of 125 miles. At the bottom is the 2004 hydrogen fuel cell version of the same car with a range of only 90 miles. Fitted with a current technology version of the same battery, the 1997 EV would have a range of 180 miles. In addition, the author contends it will take four times the energy to power the bottom car.

GOOGLE IMAGE - EV batteries freezxing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Fig. 2 A proposed future monitoring network for the Arctic Ocean. This network would support wide area monitoring of Arctic Ocean temperature using acoustic measurements as well as additional oceanographic, geophysical, biological, and chemistry measurements at each of the mooring locations. This cabled network could come to shore near Alert, CA where a slant drilled sea-shore terminus already exists and at Barrow, Alaska, where a seashore terminus has been proposed.
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