Check your intelligence ??? video #2
This is the first part of the animation illustrating the concepts found in chapter one of the book "Imagining the Tenth Dimension - a...
AND THE 11th Dimentions below..?

Valero Bets on Biodiesel from Jatropha
Valero Energy, the largest American refiner, is taking another step toward building up its renewable fuel supplies. The San Antonio-based company on Friday agreed to a five-year deal with an Australian biofuel refiner to obtain biodiesel made from jatropha.The deal also allows Valero to buy a 25 percent stake in the Australian company, Mission NewEnergy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 11, 2009
United States to speed up
green technology patents
Green technology patents will see a year shaved off the average forty month wait time to approve new patents in the US. The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is implementing a one-year pilot program to push green technology patent applications through the process more quickly, so that the technologies can reach the market faster. "American competitiveness depends on innovation and innovation depends on creative Americans developing new technology," U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said. "By ensuring that many new products will receive patent protection more quickly, we can encourage our brightest innovators to invest needed resources in developing new technologies and help bring those technologies to market more quickly."

December 8th, 2009
Reporter Lindsey Hoshaw recently returned from a trip to the Pacific Garbage Patch. She was the only journalist on a scientific expedition led by Charles Moore, who discovered the patch 12 years ago. QUEST reporter Amy Standen talked to Lindsey about her trip to the patch and what she found there.
Tell me a little bit about your trip to the Pacific Gyre. How long did it take, and what was life like onboard?
It took about a week to reach the patch after we set sail from Honolulu, Hawaii. There were four other crew members besides myself: first mate Jeffery Ernst, Algalita director of research
--------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
The musical effect of this Tesla Coil
is produced by moderating the rate and duration in which is it supplied with power via midi data and a control unit.Nikola Tesla created the first Tesla Coil in 1891, demonstrating it in America to scientists and civilians alike, before filing numerous patents as he evolved it through trial and error. Tesla Coils would go on to be commercially used in radio transmitters and electrotherapy, although their main use today is to entertain – as can be seen in the video – or to educate.
Green Energy

An international consortium is developing the world’s largest fuelcell vehicle, a 109 metric-ton, 1 MW locomotive. The five-year project, which commenced 27 May 2003, will develop and demonstrate the first fuelcell-powered locomotive for military and commercial railway applications. Fuelcells are solid-state devices that directly convert the energy of a fuel into electric power. Based on electrochemistry rather than combustion, they are efficient, quiet, and have zero emissions.
The project was conceived, organized, and is led by Vehicle Projects LLC of Denver, USA, and is funded and administered by the US Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM), National Automotive Center (NAC), Warren (MI), USA, via prime contractor Jacobs Engineering Group Inc, Pasadena, USA. Vehicle Projects previously developed and demonstrated a fuelcell mine locomotive and is also developing a 23 metric-ton, 100 kW fuelcell-battery hybrid mine loader (see, both projects supported by the US Department of Energy and Natural Resources Canada.
06 Mar 2009
Fuel Cell Trains Being Explored in Kansas

FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE:We have to get from here
to here

Then look at this
We are not alone; We are way past being alone!
So many mysteries and adventures yet to come. pdk.
"The stone age didn't end because they ran out of stones !"
We must move to in harmony

MIT Redesigns Natural Gas Power Plant
For Near-Zero Carbon Emissions
Popular Science - December 4, 2009 - 7:59am
New technology produces energy from fuel without burning it
With the conference in Copenhagen swiftly approaching, and the Senate analog to the Waxman-Markey "American Clean Energy and Security Act" struggling towards the floor, little doubt remains that fossil fuel-burning power plants will soon face either fines for, or mandatory reduction of, carbon emissions. Luckily, a team at MIT has devised a power plant set up that generates power from fossil fuels, but does so with almost none of the carbon emissions.
The power plant centers around the use of solid oxide fuel cells. These cells generate power from natural gas through the same oxidation reaction used in conventional power plants, but they achieve that oxidation through a chemical reaction, not by burning the gas. When combined with carbon-scrubbing smoke stacks, this method produces just as much energy as a regular natural gas plant, but with 90 percent fewer carbon emissions.
The only drawback is the price, at least for now. If a pricing scheme similar to the cap-and-trade
Google Earth explores climate risks to California
Google launched a new feature in its Google Earth Web
site Wednesday designed to let Californians see the risks of climate change

The electric system is made up of an interconnected network of generating plants, transmission lines and distribution facilities. Transmission lines, which consist of heavy cables strung between tall towers, provide the transportation highways to move electricity from generation sources to where the customer uses it at a business or home or in a factory.
CAPX route plan attracts a little bit of resistance December 1 2009
By Tom Cherveny West Central Tribune, Willmar,
In addition, make sure to read these articles:
CapX2020 Granted Certificate of Need for 345-kilovolt Projects in...
ST. PAUL, Minn. -- The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission today granted the CapX2020 utilities a Certificate of Need to construct three 345-kilovolt electric transmission lines ......
Utilities Announce Electric Transmission Planning Meeting.
ST. CLOUD, Minn. -- A public meeting will be held Tuesday, October 26, in St. Cloud to discuss the electric transmission planning process for the ......
Great River Energy Files Resource Plan, Announces Need for Additional...
Energy Editors/Business Editors ELK RIVER, Minn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 14, 2003 Last week Great River Energy filed its Integrated Resource Plan with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission....
Great River Energy Files Resource Plan, Commits to Renewable Energy...
ELK RIVER, Minn. -- On June 30, Great River Energy filed its Integrated Resource Plan with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. The plan, which ......
Great River Energy Files Resource Plan, Commits to Conservation and...
MAPLE GROVE, Minn. -- Great River Energy filed its 2008 resource plan with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission on July 1. The plan, which analyzes ......
CapX 2020 Utilities Announce Plans for New Transmission Lines to...
ST. PAUL, Minn. -- A group of regional utilities today launched an effort to ensure their customers in Minnesota and neighboring states will have ......Minn.
In addition, make sure to read these articles:
CapX2020 Granted Certificate of Need for 345-kilovolt Projects in...
ST. PAUL, Minn. -- The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission today granted the CapX2020 utilities a Certificate of Need to construct three 345-kilovolt electric transmission lines ......
Utilities Announce Electric Transmission Planning Meeting.
ST. CLOUD, Minn. -- A public meeting will be held Tuesday, October 26, in St. Cloud to discuss the electric transmission planning process for the ......
Great River Energy Files Resource Plan, Announces Need for Additional...
Energy Editors/Business Editors ELK RIVER, Minn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 14, 2003 Last week Great River Energy filed its Integrated Resource Plan with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission....
Great River Energy Files Resource Plan, Commits to Renewable Energy...
ELK RIVER, Minn. -- On June 30, Great River Energy filed its Integrated Resource Plan with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. The plan, which ......
Great River Energy Files Resource Plan, Commits to Conservation and...
MAPLE GROVE, Minn. -- Great River Energy filed its 2008 resource plan with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission on July 1. The plan, which analyzes ......
CapX 2020 Utilities Announce Plans for New Transmission Lines to...
ST. PAUL, Minn. -- A group of regional utilities today launched an effort to ensure their customers in Minnesota and neighboring states will have ......

December 1, 2009
Growing U.S. production of biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel could increase water pollution, a government report warned this week.
Ethanol refineries discharge chemicals and salts that can contaminate drinking water and endanger fish and other aquatic life, according to a Government Accountability Office report released Monday.
Biodiesel refineries release pollutants such as glycerin, which disrupts the microbial cleaning processes used in wastewater treatment, the report noted.Storage of ethanol is also a concern. “Ethanol is highly corrosive and there is potential for releases into the environment that could contaminate

December 1, 2009 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Climate change
2.20 Climate change, as a result of rising greenhouse gas emissions, threatens the stability of the world’s climate, economy and communities. As noted in Chapter 1, the cost of early action is significant, but the costs of inaction could be far worse – temperature increases could lead to damages equivalent to as much as 5-20 per cent of global GDP.
2.21 Transport contributes about 15 per cent of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and 23 per cent (by source) of UK domestic CO2 emissions. Urgent action to tackle transport emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases is necessary and we are committed to doing so -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Converting Water and CO2 into Fuel

2.20 Climate change, as a result of rising greenhouse gas emissions, threatens the stability of the world’s climate, economy and communities. As noted in Chapter 1, the cost of early action is significant, but the costs of inaction could be far worse – temperature increases could lead to damages equivalent to as much as 5-20 per cent of global GDP.
2.21 Transport contributes about 15 per cent of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and 23 per cent (by source) of UK domestic CO2 emissions. Urgent action to tackle transport emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases is necessary and we are committed to doing so -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

02 Dec 2009
Researchers are trying to duplicate the natural process of photosynthesis. If successful, we can use the “evil” carbon dioxide emitted by power plants and industrial units to good use. This way, industrial units don’t have to establish new subsidiary units for the treatment of carbon dioxide. Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have developed a [...]
Researchers are trying to duplicate the natural process of photosynthesis. If successful, we can use the “evil” carbon dioxide emitted by power plants and industrial units to good use. This way, industrial units don’t have to establish new subsidiary units for the treatment of carbon dioxide. Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have developed a [...]
VW’s Home co-generation power plant helps kill nuclear and coal use
These are called microgenerators and are excellent for home use when heating is also needed. The overall efficiency of electricity and heating combined can go higher than 75%, perhaps as high as 90%. With power plants even the most efficient of them, most of the heat which are in the low temperature regime for power generation but high temperature regime for home use, are wasted. If there is a cheap way to transport the heat to the homes then the energy efficiency would tremendously increase
This is ridiculous and will go nowhere. To put things into perspective, here is rotor of a modern steam turbine:
VW’s Home co-generation power plant helps kill nuclear and coal use

This is ridiculous and will go nowhere. To put things into perspective, here is rotor of a modern steam turbine:
Here is 480 megawatt GE H series power generation gas turbine:
This is industrial generator description:"The generator, 30 feet (9 m) long and 12 feet (3.7 m) in diameter, contains a stationary stator and a spinning rotor, each containing miles of heavy copper conductor— no permanent magnets here. In operation it generates up to 21,000 amps at 24,000 volts AC (504 MWe) as it spins at either 3,000 or 3,600 rpm, synchronized to the power grid. The rotor spins in a sealed chamber cooled with hydrogen gas, selected because it has the highest known heat transfer coefficient of any gas and for its low viscosity which reduces windage losses."Finally, about efficiency:"One type of fossil fuel power plant uses a gas turbine in conjunction with a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). It is referred to as a combined cycle power plant because it combines the Brayton cycle of the gas turbine with the Rankine cycle of the HRSG. The thermal efficiency of these plants has reached a record heat rate of 5690 Btu/kWh, or just under 60%" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sometimes I just throw these sites in because they look like they have some passion for the discovery of truths and unknowns of one form or another..
MORE PICTURES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is industrial generator description:"The generator, 30 feet (9 m) long and 12 feet (3.7 m) in diameter, contains a stationary stator and a spinning rotor, each containing miles of heavy copper conductor— no permanent magnets here. In operation it generates up to 21,000 amps at 24,000 volts AC (504 MWe) as it spins at either 3,000 or 3,600 rpm, synchronized to the power grid. The rotor spins in a sealed chamber cooled with hydrogen gas, selected because it has the highest known heat transfer coefficient of any gas and for its low viscosity which reduces windage losses."Finally, about efficiency:"One type of fossil fuel power plant uses a gas turbine in conjunction with a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). It is referred to as a combined cycle power plant because it combines the Brayton cycle of the gas turbine with the Rankine cycle of the HRSG. The thermal efficiency of these plants has reached a record heat rate of 5690 Btu/kWh, or just under 60%" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MORE PICTURES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Cattle Mutilation Memories
You’ve undoubtedly seen the recent articles about the cattle mutilations near San Luis, Colorado. As usual, the authorities are at a loss to explain these strange goings on, including helicopters, surgical cuts, no blood or footprints at the scene.This triggered my memories of similar, but more widespread occurrences in Colorado back in 1975. At the time, I was teaching film classes at The Western States Film Institute. One of my students, Mark O’Kane
Cattle Mutilation Memories
You’ve undoubtedly seen the recent articles about the cattle mutilations near San Luis, Colorado. As usual, the authorities are at a loss to explain these strange goings on, including helicopters, surgical cuts, no blood or footprints at the scene.This triggered my memories of similar, but more widespread occurrences in Colorado back in 1975. At the time, I was teaching film classes at The Western States Film Institute. One of my students, Mark O’Kane
Southwest Airlines Debuts 'Green Plane' With Environmentally Friendly Interior Materials
DALLAS-- Southwest Airlines has announced at its annual Media Day a "green plane," an innovative idea that marries efficiency, environmentally responsible products,

Honeywell's UOP
Green Jet Fuel Technology Powers A FOYA GROUP
Southwest Airlines Debuts 'Green Plane' With Environmentally Friendly Interior Materials
DALLAS-- Southwest Airlines has announced at its annual Media Day a "green plane," an innovative idea that marries efficiency, environmentally responsible products,

Green Jet Fuel Technology Powers
Biofuel Demonstration Flight for
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
DES PLAINES, IL -- UOP LLC, a Honeywell company, announced yesterday that its renewable jet fuel process technology was used to convert second-generation, renewable feedstocks to green jet fuel for a biofuel demonstration flight by KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.
UOP's process technology was used to convert oil from camelina, an inedible plant, to green jet fuel for the flight. One engine of a Boeing 747 was powered by a fuel mixture consisting of a 50/50 mix of the green jet fuel and traditional petroleum-derived jet fuel.
The flight, which will take place today at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, is the first green jet fuel demonstration flight in Europe and the first test flight to carry a select group of observers. UOP's process technology was also used to produce jet fuel used in previous test flights conducted in the U.S., Japan and New Zealand.
Test results from earlier demonstration flights showed that green jet fuel produced using UOP's process technology performs as well, if not better, than jet fuel made from petroleum.
UOP's green jet fuel process technology was originally developed in 2007 under a contract from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to produce -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Investors also pushed copper prices to $6,965 a tonne on the London Metal Exchange. It touched $7,010 a tonne earlier in the session, the highest price in 14 months and a gain of about 125% since January.
Some investors believe the worst of the recession is over and the world economy is "entering the rapid growth phase of a V-shaped recovery", said Nicholas Snowdon, an analyst at BarCap.
Far from the more pessimistic view prevalent earlier this year, investors are betting that industrial demand will pick up in developed countries, where the wiring and construction sectors are the biggest copper consumers.
UOP's process technology was used to convert oil from camelina, an inedible plant, to green jet fuel for the flight. One engine of a Boeing 747 was powered by a fuel mixture consisting of a 50/50 mix of the green jet fuel and traditional petroleum-derived jet fuel.
The flight, which will take place today at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, is the first green jet fuel demonstration flight in Europe and the first test flight to carry a select group of observers. UOP's process technology was also used to produce jet fuel used in previous test flights conducted in the U.S., Japan and New Zealand.
Test results from earlier demonstration flights showed that green jet fuel produced using UOP's process technology performs as well, if not better, than jet fuel made from petroleum.
UOP's green jet fuel process technology was originally developed in 2007 under a contract from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to produce -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Investors also pushed copper prices to $6,965 a tonne on the London Metal Exchange. It touched $7,010 a tonne earlier in the session, the highest price in 14 months and a gain of about 125% since January.
Some investors believe the worst of the recession is over and the world economy is "entering the rapid growth phase of a V-shaped recovery", said Nicholas Snowdon, an analyst at BarCap.
Far from the more pessimistic view prevalent earlier this year, investors are betting that industrial demand will pick up in developed countries, where the wiring and construction sectors are the biggest copper consumers.


Gold pushed to record by demand from pessimists – and optimists
• Investors seek safe haven from weaker dollar• Metals prices gain from hopes of economic upturn
23 November 2009
Gold reached a record of $1,173 an ounce in New York , boosted by weaker US currency. "Gold appears to be a good buffer in a portfolio, a good hedge against inflation and currency movements," said Suki Cooper, a precious metals analyst at Barclays Capital.
Banks around the world have expanded their commodities trading businesses as they seek profits to compensate for multi-million pound losses in their equity and credit markets. Financial buyers now represent almost one third of all gold demand compared with less than 10% before the financial crisis started more than a year ago. Still, almost half of gold demand comes from jewellers, with industries such as electronics, making up for the rest.
Dwindling demand from jewellers has been partially compensated by central banks, once net sellers of gold, which have started to buy back the metal, Cooper said. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shell steps on the
gas in Qatar
Tuesday 24 November 2009
• Shell's chief executive reveals two $18bn gas projects• Despite oil expansion, gas is key to company's future
But this week, Voser rolled out Shell's big guns – two mammoth $18bn (£11bn) gas projects in Qatar, to be precise – in a most un-Swiss manner. On Tuesday, he and Shell's top executive team led 50 analysts and investors around the two huge construction sites that hold the key to Shell's future growth: the Qatargas 4 liquefied natural gas project and the Pearl gas-to-liquid project, the world's largest of its kind. When they ramp up fully, with large-scale production due to start in 2011, they will produce about 350,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day, or about 10% of Shell's current daily production. Shell said that, once on-stream, the projects would generate $4bn of cashflow and mean that by 2012 the company will be producing more gas than oil. Shell also announced that testing at the Pearl project had begun but confirmed that the start-up of the Qatargas 4 project would be delayed by 10 months, to the end of 2010. Analysts said they had expected delays
Earlier this year, Shell said it would refocus its investment on alternative energy on carbon capture and storage (CCS) and biofuels, and would not build any more wind farms. Voser explained that with an estimated 1bn new cars on the road within the next 40 years, all types of cleaner technologies – including biofuels – would be needed.
Many of those will also be powered by electricity generated by coal plants, which, in order to be truly green, needed CCS to bury their emissions.
25 November 2009
Power of osmosis used to deliver
eco-friendly energy.
A Norwegian firm is testing a
Renewable and emission-free source of energy that harnesses the power of water through osmosis
The world's first test plant to harness osmotic power, a new emission-free source of energy, opened on Tuesday, in Norway. Nestled amid pine-covered hills on the banks of the Oslo fjord, 60km south of the Norwegian capital, the facility will exploit the energy produced when fresh water meets seawater.
Statkraft, the Norwegian energy firm behind the test plant, says osmotic power could produce up to 1,600–1,700 terawatt hours worldwide – the equivalent of half of the energy generated in the EU today.
"Osmotic power has great potential," says Arild Skedsmo, head of climate and energy at WWF Norway. "In theory the power is available

What are TruFocals GLASSES $900.00 NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS ??
TruFocals are the revolutionary new glasses that let you choose the perfect focus for every distance from near to far.
Seeing clearly everywhere, from up close to infinity, is finally possible. Wearing TruFocals, with just a simple finger motion on a small slider on the bridge, you can actually go from reading a newspaper to viewing a TV set to scanning a distant vista and your vision is crisp and clear every inch of the way. That’s a major improvement over multifocal glasses that are in focus only at certain fixed distances so your vision between those zones is blurred.
And, with TruFocals,
the whole lens is in focus so your entire field of view is sharp,
not just a portion as with bifocals or progressive glasses. That means—
no distortion,
lines or blurriness anywhere in your field of vision.
Vision is as good on the edges as it is in the center.
being able to read an entire newspaper page without having to fold it or bob your head up and down to find the right part of the lenses. With TruFocals, your whole lens is the right part.
greater safety on stairs and curbs where an out-of-focus step can lead to a bad misstep

MIT spin-off stores sun's energy to power the world
01 Oct 2009
MIT last year announced that a technology developed by Nocera's lab — a catalyst that can split water — could be used store solar energy. Earlier this year,
Nocera formed a company called Sun Catalytix, backed by venture-capital firm Polaris Ventures, to commercialise that discovery.
"This technology is moving really fast. We're already at the engineering prototype design. I'm hiring no scientists — I'm just having a massive engineering effort right now," he said. "Within two years, we want to have a totally working kilowatt system."
However, a fully functioning system will take more like eight or 10 years because it requires multiple components, including hydrogen storage, cheaper solar panels and cheaper fuel cells
"I don't need a fuel cell that's in a Toyota or Honda car. I need all the technology they threw away 20 years ago because they couldn't get high enough power density for a car," he said.
"We have to get away from how we think about how we live in the legacy world [because] that will not be the solution for the non-legacy world," he said.
MIT Professor: Power Your House With 5 Liters of Water Per Day
March 27th, 2009
At the Aspen Environment Forum today, MIT professor Dan Nocera gave a revolutionary picture of the new energy economy with an assertion that
our homes will be our power plants and our fuel stations, powered by sunlight and water.
And it’s not science fiction.
Nocera stated that even if we put all available acreage into fuel crops, all available acreage in wind power, and build a new nuclear power plant every 1.5 days, and we save 100% of our current energy use (yes, you read that correctly), we will still come up short by 2050. His estimate is that we will need 16 TW of energy production by then, and with our current methods, we won’t get there.
But there is a solution.
And we don’t need to invent anything new to get from here to there.
Nocera said that
MIT will announce its patent next week of a cheap, efficient, manufacturable electrolyzer made from cobalt and potassium phosphate.
This technology, powered by a 6 meter by 5 meter photovoltaic array on the roof, is capable of powering an entire house’s power needs plus a fuel cell good for 500 km of travel, with just 5 liters of water.
The new electrolyzer works at room temperature (”It would work in this water glass right here”) to efficiently produce hydrogen and oxygen gases from water in a simple manner, which will enable a return to using sunlight for our primary energy source.
This technology will decentralize power production and provide true energy independence. The details of implementation still need to be worked out, but Nocera says that fears of hydrogen technology (safety) are unfounded, as companies that work with these gases have the capability to safely store and use them.
“It’s safer than natural gas.
You burn that in your house with an open flame.
Now that’s dangerous.” ( Read these > 21 Comments )
Written by Derek Markham
Published on March 27th, 2009
Solar Energy Breakthrough: Goal of MIT Team
September 29th, 2009
MIT professor Daniel Nocera formed a company earlier this year to commercialize a new technology that can “split water” and store solar energy. The company’s key objective now: achieve a solar energy breakthrough.
Read the rest of this entry »
$25 Billion for Imported Oil — In One Month!
October 19th, 2009
That is correct — not million but billion, not in one year but in one month!
That is how much the US spent on imported oil in September 2009.
For those concerned about the US economy or national security risks, T. Boone Pickens and data from the US Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration (EIA) show us that foreign oil imports should be at the top of our list. We rely very heavily on foreign oil and send a good chunk of our money to other countries to supply us with that oil — $25 billion last month alone!
Parasitic Energy Harvesting - don’t worry, it’s a good thing.
I recently wrote a post about devices that harvest the kinetic energy of moving water, and noted how technologies that capture such energy are finding their way into doors, turnstiles, and dancefloors. Well, an Israeli company called Innowattech seems to have taken this concept of capturing wasted mechanical energy further than anyone else, and is pitching energy-harvesting roadways, runways, and railways.
How do they do this? Using a network of piezoelectric generators that are embedded into the surface of the roadway (or runway or railroad) which can harvest energy from weight, motion, vibration, and temperature changes. In addition, the company claims to have developed an energy storage system to attach to their piezoelectric generators
Innowattech says one kilometer of roadway can produce up to 500 kW of electricity every hour, and the faster and heavier the vehicles, the more energy the roadways can generate - sounds perfect for the driving habits of Americans.
There are currently 8,420,589 miles of roadway in the US, but obviously this system wouldn’t be put in place everywhere, so let’s focus just on highways. The US today has 124,380 miles of interstates, or about 200,170 kilometers. Assuming this system was deployed on 5% of these interstate roads, that would represe
(mystery video)
Building The Bridge Of The Future With Fiber-Reinforced Plastics Known As FRP
Jem Stansfield from BBC's Bang Goes the Theory has "put scientific theory to the test" with his Vortex Cannon.
Filmed at 1300-fps, you can see the cannon knock down three different houses made of straw, stick, and brick with an explosive vortex ring
Hosted by Jem Stansfield builds a vortex cannon to blow a house of bricks over. More about this episode:
Vortex Cannon! - Bang Goes the Theory Preview - BBC One ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SOLAQUA to provide clean, uncontaminated water for Sub- Saharan Africa
May 16, 2009
a company launched the SOLAQUA which is a useful device. It is going to be used as a water disinfection unit in the rural areas of Sub-Saharan Africa. This device will obtain infra-red and ultra-violet rays from the sun and will utilize them to eliminate pathogens of contaminated water.
Purified water derived from hydrogen fuel cells to be sold in India
November 3, 2008
In India, a petroleum firm is all geared up to serve purified water at the company's gas stations. A green twist to this simple venture is that the water sold will actually be a byproduct of hydrogen fuel cells. Based in Mumbai, Bharat Petroleum has come up with this innovative plan to make 'green' purified water available to almost every corner of the country. It is estimated that for every 1,000 MW of energy, about 1 million metric tons of clean water will flow out. Now that's some thirst-quenching information as studies state that about 1,600 Indians die every day as a result of water-borne diseases. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
September 12, 2009
Researchers from univ of Washington find voltage from trees
or forest fires and could also be used to gauge a tree’s health. This study is a follow up of last year’s study by a team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that found plants generate a voltage of up to 200 millivolts when one electrode is placed in a plant and the other in the surrounding soil. The team ran a circuit solely off tree > more==
The study took a new shape when one of the researchers, Carlton Himes , used nails on the trees and connected a voltmeter to find that big leaf maples generate a steady voltage of up to a few hundred millivolts. The team then developed a boost converter that takes a low incoming voltage and stores it to produce a greater output. The circuit is built from parts measuring 130 nanometers and consumes on average just 10 nanowatts of power during
Energy Generation
Energy Storage
Energy Infrastructure
Energy Efficiency
Water & Wastewater
Air & Environment
Recycling & Waste
Clean tech has also been defined as:
“Clean tech is a diverse range of products, services, and processes that harness above right (suspect)
Meter Reading
Green Electric

Gold pushed to record by demand from pessimists – and optimists
• Investors seek safe haven from weaker dollar• Metals prices gain from hopes of economic upturn
23 November 2009
Gold reached a record of $1,173 an ounce in New York , boosted by weaker US currency. "Gold appears to be a good buffer in a portfolio, a good hedge against inflation and currency movements," said Suki Cooper, a precious metals analyst at Barclays Capital.
Banks around the world have expanded their commodities trading businesses as they seek profits to compensate for multi-million pound losses in their equity and credit markets. Financial buyers now represent almost one third of all gold demand compared with less than 10% before the financial crisis started more than a year ago. Still, almost half of gold demand comes from jewellers, with industries such as electronics, making up for the rest.
Dwindling demand from jewellers has been partially compensated by central banks, once net sellers of gold, which have started to buy back the metal, Cooper said. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

gas in Qatar
Tuesday 24 November 2009
• Shell's chief executive reveals two $18bn gas projects• Despite oil expansion, gas is key to company's future
But this week, Voser rolled out Shell's big guns – two mammoth $18bn (£11bn) gas projects in Qatar, to be precise – in a most un-Swiss manner. On Tuesday, he and Shell's top executive team led 50 analysts and investors around the two huge construction sites that hold the key to Shell's future growth: the Qatargas 4 liquefied natural gas project and the Pearl gas-to-liquid project, the world's largest of its kind. When they ramp up fully, with large-scale production due to start in 2011, they will produce about 350,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day, or about 10% of Shell's current daily production. Shell said that, once on-stream, the projects would generate $4bn of cashflow and mean that by 2012 the company will be producing more gas than oil. Shell also announced that testing at the Pearl project had begun but confirmed that the start-up of the Qatargas 4 project would be delayed by 10 months, to the end of 2010. Analysts said they had expected delays
Earlier this year, Shell said it would refocus its investment on alternative energy on carbon capture and storage (CCS) and biofuels, and would not build any more wind farms. Voser explained that with an estimated 1bn new cars on the road within the next 40 years, all types of cleaner technologies – including biofuels – would be needed.
Many of those will also be powered by electricity generated by coal plants, which, in order to be truly green, needed CCS to bury their emissions.

Power of osmosis used to deliver
eco-friendly energy.
A Norwegian firm is testing a
Renewable and emission-free source of energy that harnesses the power of water through osmosis
The world's first test plant to harness osmotic power, a new emission-free source of energy, opened on Tuesday, in Norway. Nestled amid pine-covered hills on the banks of the Oslo fjord, 60km south of the Norwegian capital, the facility will exploit the energy produced when fresh water meets seawater.
Statkraft, the Norwegian energy firm behind the test plant, says osmotic power could produce up to 1,600–1,700 terawatt hours worldwide – the equivalent of half of the energy generated in the EU today.
"Osmotic power has great potential," says Arild Skedsmo, head of climate and energy at WWF Norway. "In theory the power is available

Update on Schwartz' ERR Fluxgenerator
Update on Schwartz' ERR Fluxgenerator
ERR Fluxgenerator selfrunning 3 KW Free Energy generator
ERR Fluxgenerator selfrunning 3 KW Free Energy generator
On Aug. 15 we posted a feature page at PESWiki regarding Dr. James B. Schwartz' ERR Fluxgenerator that is said to put out six kilowatts of electricity from the surroundings, using a solid state arrangement in a panel made from "left-handed material" -- Aluminum and Bismuth interwoven with coils -- tying into the Earth's frequencies.
On Aug. 15 we posted a feature page at PESWiki regarding Dr. James B. Schwartz' ERR Fluxgenerator that is said to put out six kilowatts of electricity from the surroundings, using a solid state arrangement in a panel made from "left-handed material" -- Aluminum and Bismuth interwoven with coils -- tying into the Earth's frequencies.
On Aug. 16, Dr. Schwartz sent me a fairly lengthy email giving some history and context of the technology. I've included an excerpt of that below
UAE: Can gas-guzzing sheiks go green?
November 23, 2009
Abu Dhabi builds the world's first zero-carbon, zero-waste city powered by renewable energy
Abu Dhabi’s response to this reality has been to put up $15 billion in seed money to develop the world’s first carbon neutral, zero-waste city.
First conceived in 2006, the ambitious plan for Masdar City is rapidly taking shape amid a forest of construction cranes on a sun-scorched desert plain about a 20 minute drive from the center of Abu Dhabi.
Masdar City will generate most of its energy from the sun, the wind, recycled waste and whatever else creative technology can come up with. Cars will be banned from its streets, which will be narrow and cooled by the shadows in the traditional manner of a desert habitat. To get around the two square miles of the city, people will rely on an underground system of personal rapid transit pods.
When the project is completed, 40,000 to 50,000 people are expected to
A model of an upcoming project is seen at the Masdar exhibit during the Cityscape exhibition in Abu Dhabi, May 13, 2008. Abu Dhabi's Masdar City, which will accommodate private residences and businesses, will be the world's first zero-carbon, zero-waste city fully powered by renewable energy. (Jumana El Heloueh/Reuters)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 23 2009
Crane: Held hostage by the oil sands
In fact, as the IEA explains, a successful low-carbon strategy will dramatically reduce the need for oil. U.S. demand in 2030 would be 31 per cent lower than in 2007 while global oil demand would be only 4 per cent higher than today.
Nonetheless, a group of oil, coal and other high-carbon companies, known as the Integrated CO2 Network, has launched a major lobbying campaign for massive taxpayer subsidies that could run to billions of dollars to pay for the cost of emissions reduction through still largely untried carbon capture and storage technologies.
So a low-carbon economy confronts Canada with the hard choice of allocating billions of dollars to subsidize the world's dirtiest oil or investing in a different kind of economy based on innovation and knowledge in clean technologies, such as the hydrogen buses now being produced for the 2010 Olympics in B.C., the shift to electric and plug-in hybrid autos, and other industries of the future.
This is the political debate that has yet to happen in Canada. But it is not something we can put off. We need a strategy. Canada cannot be an outlier in the transition to a low-carbon world.
Nor should we want to miss out on the opportunities from the Green Path energy future.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- News,
April 30, 2009
Us senate bill may boost ocean energy research
Nov 23, 2009
today introduced the legislation as a companion to a bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Jay Inslee, (D-Wash.), that would authorize as much as $250 million a year to promote ocean research.
The Marine Renewable Energy Promotion Act of 2009 and a companion tax provision would expand federal research of marine energy, take over the cost verification of new wave, current, tidal and thermal ocean energy devices, create an adaptive management fund to help pay for the demonstration and deployment of such electric projects and provide a key additional tax incentive.
?Coming from Alaska, where there are nearly 150 communities located along the state?s 34,000 miles of coastline plus dozens more on major river systems, it?s clear that perfecting marine energy could be of immense benefit to the nation,? said Murkowski, ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. ?It simply makes sense to harness the power of the sun, wind, waves and river and ocean currents to make electricity.?
For: Meyers, Tesla, Edison, John Worrell Keely?, etc
Foreign Competition Pressuring US
to Support Clean Energy at Home
November,20 2009
gathering of industry leaders, politicians and other stakeholders gathered Friday on Capitol Hill to rally support for a move to a renewable energy-based economy. The tone was largely optimistic and painted a picture of the U.S. at a crossroads where, if the right path is chosen, numerous challenges can be addressed at once – including energy security, unemployment and climate change. But speakers warned that a failure to act would put the US at a global disadvantage. “We've got a Kennedy-esque moment to attract the boldest and brightest to the renewable energy sector,” said Cathy Zoi, Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy, as she mentioned workers in industries like steel and manufacturing who, she says, would be eager to transition to green energy sectors. Saying unemployment is even worse than current numbers, United Steelworkers president Leo Gerard said, “this is either a crisis or an opportunity." “If we electrify our railways...and say all that [goes into the project] is going to be made in America, all our workers go back to work,” he said. “The next industrial revolution is going to be the clean energy revolution.” The American Council ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
WHAT THE HELL, I havent the foggiest idea what this is about, but I THOGHT THEY ALL LOOKED KINDA HONEST....Soooo
Thing Labs in their San Francisco office. Chris Wetherell, middle left, and Jason Shellen, middle right. Credit: Mark Milian / Los Angeles Times
Betting that Brizzly will be huge, ex-Googlers are working on things
November 20, 2009
The mad scientists at Thing Labs have a very impressive track record.
On the sixth floor of a trendy building in San Francisco's recently renovated Mint Plaza, four former Google employees -- scratch that: five former Googlers, with today's addition of FriendFeed's (now Facebook's) Ben Darnell -- and a few others are working on things. Some very interesting things.
Founder Jason Shellen is purposely fuzzy with his description of ongoing projects. Whereas Google famously has "20% time," a policy that lets engineers spend one-fifth of their day working on anything they want, Shellen says his workers get "100% time."
For the last five months, the majority of that time has been
This is the Coal and Natural Gas Boys Teaming UP.

November 23, 2009
Abu Dhabi builds the world's first zero-carbon, zero-waste city powered by renewable energy
Abu Dhabi’s response to this reality has been to put up $15 billion in seed money to develop the world’s first carbon neutral, zero-waste city.
First conceived in 2006, the ambitious plan for Masdar City is rapidly taking shape amid a forest of construction cranes on a sun-scorched desert plain about a 20 minute drive from the center of Abu Dhabi.
Masdar City will generate most of its energy from the sun, the wind, recycled waste and whatever else creative technology can come up with. Cars will be banned from its streets, which will be narrow and cooled by the shadows in the traditional manner of a desert habitat. To get around the two square miles of the city, people will rely on an underground system of personal rapid transit pods.
When the project is completed, 40,000 to 50,000 people are expected to
A model of an upcoming project is seen at the Masdar exhibit during the Cityscape exhibition in Abu Dhabi, May 13, 2008. Abu Dhabi's Masdar City, which will accommodate private residences and businesses, will be the world's first zero-carbon, zero-waste city fully powered by renewable energy. (Jumana El Heloueh/Reuters)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 23 2009

In fact, as the IEA explains, a successful low-carbon strategy will dramatically reduce the need for oil. U.S. demand in 2030 would be 31 per cent lower than in 2007 while global oil demand would be only 4 per cent higher than today.
Nonetheless, a group of oil, coal and other high-carbon companies, known as the Integrated CO2 Network, has launched a major lobbying campaign for massive taxpayer subsidies that could run to billions of dollars to pay for the cost of emissions reduction through still largely untried carbon capture and storage technologies.
So a low-carbon economy confronts Canada with the hard choice of allocating billions of dollars to subsidize the world's dirtiest oil or investing in a different kind of economy based on innovation and knowledge in clean technologies, such as the hydrogen buses now being produced for the 2010 Olympics in B.C., the shift to electric and plug-in hybrid autos, and other industries of the future.
This is the political debate that has yet to happen in Canada. But it is not something we can put off. We need a strategy. Canada cannot be an outlier in the transition to a low-carbon world.
Nor should we want to miss out on the opportunities from the Green Path energy future.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- News,
April 30, 2009

Nov 23, 2009
today introduced the legislation as a companion to a bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Jay Inslee, (D-Wash.), that would authorize as much as $250 million a year to promote ocean research.
The Marine Renewable Energy Promotion Act of 2009 and a companion tax provision would expand federal research of marine energy, take over the cost verification of new wave, current, tidal and thermal ocean energy devices, create an adaptive management fund to help pay for the demonstration and deployment of such electric projects and provide a key additional tax incentive.
?Coming from Alaska, where there are nearly 150 communities located along the state?s 34,000 miles of coastline plus dozens more on major river systems, it?s clear that perfecting marine energy could be of immense benefit to the nation,? said Murkowski, ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. ?It simply makes sense to harness the power of the sun, wind, waves and river and ocean currents to make electricity.?
For: Meyers, Tesla, Edison, John Worrell Keely?, etc
Foreign Competition Pressuring US
to Support Clean Energy at Home
November,20 2009
gathering of industry leaders, politicians and other stakeholders gathered Friday on Capitol Hill to rally support for a move to a renewable energy-based economy. The tone was largely optimistic and painted a picture of the U.S. at a crossroads where, if the right path is chosen, numerous challenges can be addressed at once – including energy security, unemployment and climate change. But speakers warned that a failure to act would put the US at a global disadvantage. “We've got a Kennedy-esque moment to attract the boldest and brightest to the renewable energy sector,” said Cathy Zoi, Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy, as she mentioned workers in industries like steel and manufacturing who, she says, would be eager to transition to green energy sectors. Saying unemployment is even worse than current numbers, United Steelworkers president Leo Gerard said, “this is either a crisis or an opportunity." “If we electrify our railways...and say all that [goes into the project] is going to be made in America, all our workers go back to work,” he said. “The next industrial revolution is going to be the clean energy revolution.” The American Council ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
WHAT THE HELL, I havent the foggiest idea what this is about, but I THOGHT THEY ALL LOOKED KINDA HONEST....Soooo
Thing Labs in their San Francisco office. Chris Wetherell, middle left, and Jason Shellen, middle right. Credit: Mark Milian / Los Angeles Times

November 20, 2009
The mad scientists at Thing Labs have a very impressive track record.
On the sixth floor of a trendy building in San Francisco's recently renovated Mint Plaza, four former Google employees -- scratch that: five former Googlers, with today's addition of FriendFeed's (now Facebook's) Ben Darnell -- and a few others are working on things. Some very interesting things.
Founder Jason Shellen is purposely fuzzy with his description of ongoing projects. Whereas Google famously has "20% time," a policy that lets engineers spend one-fifth of their day working on anything they want, Shellen says his workers get "100% time."
For the last five months, the majority of that time has been

This is the Coal and Natural Gas Boys Teaming UP.

"Stealing the word use of blue for our clean skies and air...
The Audacity of these criminals !"
Renewables to fuelBlue Fuel Energy Corporation is planning to use renewable energy, such as wind and hydro, as well as waste carbon dioxide and water, to produce carbon-neutral Blue Fuel™ (dimethyl ether, or DME) in British Columbia, Canada. Blue Fuel™ is an ultra-clean-burning, environmentally benign, alternative fuel that's a substitute for diesel, natural gas, and propane.v=2DHd3sGBk9o&feature=player_embedded#
Green Ideas: Power Your Home With Lightning
Renewables to fuelBlue Fuel Energy Corporation is planning to use renewable energy, such as wind and hydro, as well as waste carbon dioxide and water, to produce carbon-neutral Blue Fuel™ (dimethyl ether, or DME) in British Columbia, Canada. Blue Fuel™ is an ultra-clean-burning, environmentally benign, alternative fuel that's a substitute for diesel, natural gas, and propane.v=2DHd3sGBk9o&feature=player_embedded#

Now this just sounds scary. While we were aware of harvesting wind power and tidal power as alternative forms of energy, we were not aware of harvesting lightning to provide the energy for our modern day conveniences.
MYSTERY VIDEOS CLINTON UFOs TALKING LIGHTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Videos click on > CLINTON UFOs TALKING LIGHTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Videos click on >

TruFocals are the revolutionary new glasses that let you choose the perfect focus for every distance from near to far.
Seeing clearly everywhere, from up close to infinity, is finally possible. Wearing TruFocals, with just a simple finger motion on a small slider on the bridge, you can actually go from reading a newspaper to viewing a TV set to scanning a distant vista and your vision is crisp and clear every inch of the way. That’s a major improvement over multifocal glasses that are in focus only at certain fixed distances so your vision between those zones is blurred.
And, with TruFocals,
the whole lens is in focus so your entire field of view is sharp,
not just a portion as with bifocals or progressive glasses. That means—
no distortion,
lines or blurriness anywhere in your field of vision.
Vision is as good on the edges as it is in the center.
being able to read an entire newspaper page without having to fold it or bob your head up and down to find the right part of the lenses. With TruFocals, your whole lens is the right part.
greater safety on stairs and curbs where an out-of-focus step can lead to a bad misstep

MIT spin-off stores sun's energy to power the world

01 Oct 2009
MIT last year announced that a technology developed by Nocera's lab — a catalyst that can split water — could be used store solar energy. Earlier this year,
Nocera formed a company called Sun Catalytix, backed by venture-capital firm Polaris Ventures, to commercialise that discovery.
"This technology is moving really fast. We're already at the engineering prototype design. I'm hiring no scientists — I'm just having a massive engineering effort right now," he said. "Within two years, we want to have a totally working kilowatt system."
However, a fully functioning system will take more like eight or 10 years because it requires multiple components, including hydrogen storage, cheaper solar panels and cheaper fuel cells
"I don't need a fuel cell that's in a Toyota or Honda car. I need all the technology they threw away 20 years ago because they couldn't get high enough power density for a car," he said.
"We have to get away from how we think about how we live in the legacy world [because] that will not be the solution for the non-legacy world," he said.

March 27th, 2009
At the Aspen Environment Forum today, MIT professor Dan Nocera gave a revolutionary picture of the new energy economy with an assertion that
our homes will be our power plants and our fuel stations, powered by sunlight and water.
And it’s not science fiction.
Nocera stated that even if we put all available acreage into fuel crops, all available acreage in wind power, and build a new nuclear power plant every 1.5 days, and we save 100% of our current energy use (yes, you read that correctly), we will still come up short by 2050. His estimate is that we will need 16 TW of energy production by then, and with our current methods, we won’t get there.
But there is a solution.
And we don’t need to invent anything new to get from here to there.
Nocera said that
MIT will announce its patent next week of a cheap, efficient, manufacturable electrolyzer made from cobalt and potassium phosphate.
This technology, powered by a 6 meter by 5 meter photovoltaic array on the roof, is capable of powering an entire house’s power needs plus a fuel cell good for 500 km of travel, with just 5 liters of water.
The new electrolyzer works at room temperature (”It would work in this water glass right here”) to efficiently produce hydrogen and oxygen gases from water in a simple manner, which will enable a return to using sunlight for our primary energy source.
This technology will decentralize power production and provide true energy independence. The details of implementation still need to be worked out, but Nocera says that fears of hydrogen technology (safety) are unfounded, as companies that work with these gases have the capability to safely store and use them.
“It’s safer than natural gas.
You burn that in your house with an open flame.
Now that’s dangerous.” ( Read these > 21 Comments )
Written by Derek Markham
Published on March 27th, 2009
Solar Energy Breakthrough: Goal of MIT Team

MIT professor Daniel Nocera formed a company earlier this year to commercialize a new technology that can “split water” and store solar energy. The company’s key objective now: achieve a solar energy breakthrough.
Read the rest of this entry »

October 19th, 2009
That is correct — not million but billion, not in one year but in one month!
That is how much the US spent on imported oil in September 2009.
For those concerned about the US economy or national security risks, T. Boone Pickens and data from the US Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration (EIA) show us that foreign oil imports should be at the top of our list. We rely very heavily on foreign oil and send a good chunk of our money to other countries to supply us with that oil — $25 billion last month alone!
Parasitic Energy Harvesting - don’t worry, it’s a good thing.

How do they do this? Using a network of piezoelectric generators that are embedded into the surface of the roadway (or runway or railroad) which can harvest energy from weight, motion, vibration, and temperature changes. In addition, the company claims to have developed an energy storage system to attach to their piezoelectric generators
Innowattech says one kilometer of roadway can produce up to 500 kW of electricity every hour, and the faster and heavier the vehicles, the more energy the roadways can generate - sounds perfect for the driving habits of Americans.
There are currently 8,420,589 miles of roadway in the US, but obviously this system wouldn’t be put in place everywhere, so let’s focus just on highways. The US today has 124,380 miles of interstates, or about 200,170 kilometers. Assuming this system was deployed on 5% of these interstate roads, that would represe
(mystery video)
Building The Bridge Of The Future With Fiber-Reinforced Plastics Known As FRP

Filmed at 1300-fps, you can see the cannon knock down three different houses made of straw, stick, and brick with an explosive vortex ring
Hosted by Jem Stansfield builds a vortex cannon to blow a house of bricks over. More about this episode:
Vortex Cannon! - Bang Goes the Theory Preview - BBC One ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

May 16, 2009
a company launched the SOLAQUA which is a useful device. It is going to be used as a water disinfection unit in the rural areas of Sub-Saharan Africa. This device will obtain infra-red and ultra-violet rays from the sun and will utilize them to eliminate pathogens of contaminated water.

November 3, 2008
In India, a petroleum firm is all geared up to serve purified water at the company's gas stations. A green twist to this simple venture is that the water sold will actually be a byproduct of hydrogen fuel cells. Based in Mumbai, Bharat Petroleum has come up with this innovative plan to make 'green' purified water available to almost every corner of the country. It is estimated that for every 1,000 MW of energy, about 1 million metric tons of clean water will flow out. Now that's some thirst-quenching information as studies state that about 1,600 Indians die every day as a result of water-borne diseases. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Researchers from univ of Washington find voltage from trees
or forest fires and could also be used to gauge a tree’s health. This study is a follow up of last year’s study by a team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that found plants generate a voltage of up to 200 millivolts when one electrode is placed in a plant and the other in the surrounding soil. The team ran a circuit solely off tree > more==
The study took a new shape when one of the researchers, Carlton Himes , used nails on the trees and connected a voltmeter to find that big leaf maples generate a steady voltage of up to a few hundred millivolts. The team then developed a boost converter that takes a low incoming voltage and stores it to produce a greater output. The circuit is built from parts measuring 130 nanometers and consumes on average just 10 nanowatts of power during
Energy Generation
Energy Storage
Energy Infrastructure
Energy Efficiency
Water & Wastewater
Air & Environment
Recycling & Waste
Clean tech has also been defined as:
“Clean tech is a diverse range of products, services, and processes that harness

Meter Reading
Green Electric
