By Jeff Salton
August 18, 2009
President Obama toured Southern California Edison in March 2009 to see the first of the F-550 Eaton-powered plug-in hybrid utility trucks to be placed in service
Eaton Corporation’s truck and electrical businesses will play a major role in producing 378 plug-in hybrid electric power vehicles, the largest commercial hybrid deployment to date in the U.S., thanks to a USD$45.4 million government grant.
Eaton will also provide the electrical charging infrastructure for these vehicles.
In the utility truck version, the plug-in hybrid will be based on the Ford F550 chassis and have a total range of at least 300 miles (480km). It's expected ----
To ensure the system is plausible, vehicles will be able to be recharged by plugging into a standard 120V or 240V electrical outlet, and the trucks will be capable of powering auxiliary equipment and tools while at worksites.
Eaton will work with grant recipient South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) and other affiliates, including the Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI), Altec Industries, Compact Power Inc., Ford Motor Company and Southern California Edison, in the deployment of plug-in hybrid electric commercial vehicles to more than 50 utility and municipal fleets nationwide.

Late last year reports surfaced of a modified radio controlled helicopter equipped with a .45 caliber hand gun, including a video of the RC copter doing target practice with live ammunition (see below). It seems the US Army have been thinking along the same lines, except this one carries a .338 caliber sniper rifle.
Most unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) like the Predator and Reaper are fixed wing aircraft which originally filled a reconnaissance role but have more recently been fitted with 500-lb bombs and Hellfire missles to tackle Hunter-K

The Air Car - zero pollution and very low running costs
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Article Summary
March 19, 2007 Many respected engineers have been trying for years to bring a compressed air car to market, believing strongly that compressed air can power a viable "zero pollution" car. Now the first commercial compressed air car is on the verge of production and beginning to attract a lot of attention, and with a recently signed partnership with Tata, India’s largest automotive manufacturer
the 68 mph Aircar is incredibly cost-efficient to run – according to the designers, it costs less than one Euro per 100Km (about a tenth that of a petrol car). Its mileage is about double that of the most advanced electric car (200 to 300 km or 10 hours of driving), a factor which makes a perfect choice in cities where the 80% of motorists drive at less than 60Km.
Fun with Friggebods-May 26, 2009
The Swedes are still turning out magnificent modern Friggebods, small cabins under 150 square feet (and don't need building permits) that are popular retreats. Summer Entertainment has hired some
© TreeHugger.com 2008
In automotive skunk works around the globe,
designers and engineers are already
plotting the car that you'll drive in 2015
Driven by the financial crisis and dwindling oil reserves, the ---industry is in the middle of a revolution as profound as the switch from horse and cart to internal combustion engine.-- The next decade could see more change in the cars we drive than the last century. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AN INTEL ADD Why ? because i liked it!
Study Says World Driver To Go
“Total Electric”
By 2030
July 17, 2009
developed countries may be driving electric powered cars by then. This prediction was brought out by a study by the Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology at the University of California at Berkley in which electric cars with “switchable batteries” like that of Shai Agassi from Better Place may comprise as much as 86% of all light vehicles being driven – especially in countries like the USA and Japan.
As more and more battery exchange stations are built, such as the ones being presently developed
gmblogs/3805780795/in/photostream/ Bare Necessity Car --
The Vehicle Big Idea
Bare Necessity Car Friday, August 7th, 2009
We knew from our research that people wanted an extremely efficient vehicle that was also low-cost and green. But what was really eye-opening to me was that people seemed to desire extreme efficiency even if it meant making small sacrifices/trade-offs.
The idea of a back-to-basics, bare-necessity approach to designing a vehicle made sense. So I had two questions: more----
August 12, 2009
How oil dependent is your state?
Ten states were also singled out by the NRDC for exerting the least amount of effort to wean themselves off oil in the organization's eyes.
"The failure of the 10 worst states to take meaningful action to reduce oil dependence exacerbates the national security and environmental harms associated with our current transportation habits.
These and other states need to be drivers of change," the NRDC said in its report.
The 10 states making the least amount of effort to reduce oil dependence, according to the NRDC report:
West Virginia ,,Idaho ,,Wyoming ,,Mississippi ,,South Dakota ,,Oklahoma ,,Alabama
,,Arkansas ,,North Dakota ,, # 10 Alaska
"Fighting Oil Addiction: Ranking States' Oil Vulnerability and Solutions for Change," a report (PDF) prepared for the NRDC by David Gardiner & Associates, ranks U.S. states in two major ways. One list ranks U.S. states by their dependence on oil, taking in factors like gas prices. The other ranks states' efforts to reduce oil dependence,
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World wide Carbon Tax
Cap and Trade
Air, Water, Land Contamination
Enviornmental Damages
Shipping, Transportation, Roads Impacts
Financial Investors Returns ----World Wide Energy Wars -----Food Polutions ----Weather
Mar 7 2008
Trap Lightning In A Block And Make People Think You're Magical, Possibly Score A Girl
Lichtenberg figures look like trapped lightning and are actually "branching electric discharges that sometimes appear on the surface or the interior of insulating materials." Popular Science has a DIY page if you're interested in creating your own, or you can just buy them here and say you did it yourself
August 11, 2009 6:31 AM PDT
Chevy Volt to pull 230 mpg in city
Henderson said that GM is confident that the combined highway and city mileage for the Chevy Volt, due to go on sale in late 2010, will be in the triple digits. Expressed in electrical terms, the performance will be 25 kilowatt-hours for 100 miles. August 11, 2009 6:31 AM PDT
Chevy Volt to pull 230 mpg in city
Going Green: Monitoring energy consumption in the home
August 2, 2009
The Efergy meter reports energy consumption in real timeImage Gallery (3 images) Monitoring total home consumption
Home energy monitoring devices have been with us for some time. Gizmag looked at CENT-A-METER back in 2003 and since then we've looked at a number of variations on the theme including the The Energy Detective (USD$145) and Black & Decker’s Power Monitor (USD$99.99).
Phyto-purification bathroom concept to save water and bills
August 10, 2009
Introducing MotionPower™
Harnessing the Energy Beneath Your Tires
--MotionPower™ Kinetic Technology is Simple and Efficient --
The energy I’m referring to is the kinetic energy produced by the 250 million vehicles traveling U.S. roads every day.
The First Law of Thermodynamics states that the amount of energy in the Universe is constant. Energy cannot be added or taken away, created or destroyed.
It can only change from one form to another, like heat to light, chemical energy to electrical energy, or chemical energy to mechanical motion. All that energy can be categorized as either potential or kinetic.
Potential energy is untapped energy-in-waiting that is yet to be put in action, such as the chemicals in a battery, a stretched rubber band, or gravity. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, such as a bullet fired from a gun or a football that has been kicked. Some forms of kinetic energy are more subtle, like the waves of heat from a burning fire or a speaker that vibrates as sound waves emanate from it.
New Jersey BK to test energy
harnessing drive-thru lane
Jul. 15, 2009 video below
Climate Change Seen as Threat to U.S. Security
August 8, 2009
WASHINGTON — The changing global climate will pose profound strategic challenges to the United States in coming decades, raising the prospect of military intervention to deal with the effects of violent storms, drought, mass migration and pandemics, military and intelligence ---analysts say.
Such climate-induced crises could topple governments, feed terrorist movements or destabilize entire regions, say the analysts, experts at the Pentagon and intelligence agencies who for the first time are taking a serious look at the national security implications of climate change.
The Sunday Times
August 9, 2009
I’m in a dirty old business but I try
Airline chief Richard Branson wants to show that green goals can work, but does he live up to his ideals?
----Virgin Earth Challenge, a £15m prize to find commercially viable green technologies.
----Carbon War Room, an environmental ideas incubator, where he has put in £2m.
Now, he thinks he has found the answer.
“Isobutanol is wonderful,” he said. “It doesn’t absorb water, so you can pump it in the same way as petrol. And you can make it from anything. Sugar is good. What if all the sugar now turned into soft drinks were, instead, turned into clean fuel?”
He has sunk several million pounds into a California-based firm called Gevo that makes the fuel.
Branson’s aim is that in five years some or all of Virgin Atlantic’s planes will be running on isobutanol and that he will be selling it to rivals. “I’ll happily take [BA boss] Willie Walsh’s money,” he joked.
Virgin trains, which are already testing bio-diesel, will follow.
----- Many experts are sceptical, however, and say that it will take much longer than five years to make the fuel commercially viable. His detractors add that isobutanol relies on genetic modification technology, which is opposed by environmentalists.----------
------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMF puts total cost of crisis at £7.1 trillion
The cost of mopping up after the world financial crisis has come to $11.9 trillion (£7.12 trillion) − enough to finance a £1,779 handout for every man, woman and child on the planet.
08 Aug 2009
The IMF calculations, produced ahead of the two-year anniversary of the crisis, underline the continually mounting cost. Most of the cash has been handed over by developed countries, for whom the bill has been $10.2 trillion, while developing countries have spent only $1.7 trillion − the majority of which is in central bank liquidity support for their stuttering financial sectors.
The countries that make up the G20 grouping will face a combined budget deficit of 10.2pc of GDP in 2009 − the biggest since the Second World War. Although the biggest will be faced by the US, with 13.5pc of GDP, Britain also faces an 11.6pc deficit and Japan a 10.3pc one.
29 Aug 2008
--as fuel prices soar and traditional customers become more eco-conscious, the gas-guzzling oven is in danger of going out of fashion.
Aga Rangemaster, the company behind Aga and Rayburn,
revealed a number of measures to go green including a new solar powered heating system and plans to develop a model powered by wind
A sustainable future for coal?
A new scheme pioneered beneath the Firth of Forth is
"flash-frying" coal underground to provide a green source of energy.
BST 04 Aug 2009
Coal has become the ugly sister of power sources, condemned as old-fashioned, ultra-polluting and excessively costly to mine, given that we have exhausted the most easily accessible supplies
A reader brought to my attention a question that is floating around the internet.
Q: If lightning strikes the ocean, do the marine animals get hurt or killed? (Sault Ste. Marie, Minn
The map below assembled by a crack team of NASA scientists shows the number of flashes per km2 per year. You can see that most of the worlds oceans are at less than 2 strikes per year (light blue). Areas near the coast receive more but typically still less than 10 per year.
However the Gulf of Mexico especially near the Gulf Coast of the US and Florida appears to be quite a hotspot.
What happens to the charge once the lightning makes contact with water?
According to Don MacGorman, a physicist at the National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, Oklahoma.
"Basically lightning stays more on the surface of the water rather than penetrating it.
But what about the sound wave? A lightning strike at the surface generates up to 260 decibels at 1m away. That is about twice the decibels of a gun shot or firecracker
5...... Population Management
7.... A ONE WORLD CURRENCY VALUE ???????????
Paul D. Kendall aka "Will Free" -------------
------------ ULRICH PAINTING
Nissan retailing of the Leaf electric vehicle starts next year in five markets with
DOE money
a Phoenix technology supplier.
That firm must install 12,500 recharging stations in Nissan's first five markets:
the Phoenix-Tucson corridor of Arizona; Oregon; San Diego; Seattle and Tennessee.
The recharging data will be turned over to the Department of Energy, which required Nissan to have 1,000 vehicles on the road in everyday use to make the data valid. http://www.autoweek.com/article/20090806/CARNEWS/908069996#ixzz0NeqVEyJN
By 2050 or so, the world population is expected to reach nine billion, essentially adding two Chinas to the number of people alive today. Those billions will be seeking food, water and other resources on a planet where, scientists say, humans are already shaping climate and the web of life.
In Dot Earth, reporter Andrew C. Revkin examines efforts to balance human affairs with the planet’s limits.
8-7-09 Yahoo E-mail incomming story--making clean water in remote areas from wind
Man invents windmills that turn air into clean water
Global Ocean Wind Energy PotentialPosted July 16, 2008
recorded on 8 June 2009 ------> www.idrc.ca/openebooks/413-0/
PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Thursday, August 6, 2009
Yuneec electric two-place airplane made a series of successful test flight recently out of an airfield north of Shanghai. Its top speed is 150 km/hr with cruise estimated at 90 km/hr. It will be priced at $89,000US, about what you'd pay for a Fisker Karma. Now that's a tough choice. For more specifics, see my blog.
Renault-Nissan Alliance partners govt. of Victoria for zero-emission mobility
The Renault-Nissan Alliance (the Alliance) and the State Government of Victoria in Australia have formed a partnership to explore the development of a Zero Emission Vehicles program
"This MoU formalizes discussions with the Nissan Motor Company which is among the global leaders in the development of electric vehicles and demonstrates our commitment to supporting electric vehicle technologies."
The Alliance has formed partnerships with nearly 30 governments, cities and other organizations around the world, including Japan, the U.S.A., Europe and Asia, to advance the deployment of EVs worldwid
press release shared by researchers at Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) reports that they have come up with a way to separate the electrolytes within a lithium-air cell with a solid conductor glass film.
Japanese research examines anti-clogging lithium-air battery technology
It would be a good problem to solve, since lithium-air technology promises energy storage capacities of about 10 times those of lithium-ion batteries, according to backers
The result, researchers said, could be a car battery that can be “recharged” by removing the used aqueous gel solution and replacing it with fresh solution, as well as adding new cartridges of lithium salts for the anode side. That would make the device more like a fuel cell than a traditional definition of a battery, in which materials aren’t removed when it is recharged.
November 12, 2008
IEA Paints Dire Picture of Energy Supply and Demand
The world will need to invest $26.3 trillion over the next 22 years in order to boost energy supplies to meet an expected 45 percent increase in demand, reports the agency.
New Battery Stimulus Spending Is Another GM Bailout
Jay YarowAug. 5, 2009,
Battery Awardee List < href="http://www.businessinsider.com/gm-battery-winners-2009-8">http://www.businessinsider.com/gm-battery-winners-2009-8
General Motors appears to be the biggest winner, essentially receiving $392.8 million to advance development of its hybrid plug-in, the Volt. Of that sum
Ford gets $40 million, and Chrysler is getting $70 million. Don't feel too bad for Ford, the company is supposed to receive $5.9 billion in a low cost loan from the DOE.
http://www.pluginamerica.org/plug-in-vehicle-tracker.html http://www.kval.com/news/52531162.html
Oregon to be electric car test market.
Aug 5, 2009
Virtually every major auto manufacturer in the world is intoducing and Electric
Vehicle model.
Between 2010 and 2013 their will be over 100 various electric vehicle designs;
With Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles being introduced by late 2015 if not sooner. ----------- http://www.pluginamerica.org/plug-in-vehicle-tracker.html
This is a press release courtesy of the Governor's Office.
Governor Ted Kulongoski welcomed news Wednesday that Oregon has been selected as one of five test markets for the largest deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) and the associated charging station network in United States history.
-- eTec, a subsidiary of ECOtality, Inc., is partnering with Nissan North America to deploy approximately 5,000 electric vehicles and 12,750 charging stations in five U.S. markets, one of which is Oregon.
Nissan gives electric car the go ahead
Battery-powered four-door hatchback unveiled in Japan.
05 Aug 2009
the Nissan Leaf is a lithium-ion battery-powered, four-door family hatchback that will cost a similar amount to a conventional C-segment car of the same size; think Nissan Qashqai, which costs between £14,000 and £22,000.
Nissan's plan is to sell the car but merely rent the battery pack. It claims that when all additional costs are factored in, the cost of running the Leaf will be 20 per cent less than that of an equivalent petrol-powered car
The 24kWh battery is made by Nissan partner NEC and is a sandwich construction mounted under the Leaf's seats and floor giving a range of more than 100 miles and a recharging time using a domestic 200-volt supply of less than eight hours.
Fuel cells in the home?
Japan is big on idea
2,200 homes run on systems now, goal is one-fourth by 2020
Masanori Naruse relaxes at his home in Hiratsuka, Japan, on Feb. 21. His home gets its electricity and hot water from power generated by a hydrogen fuel cell.
Junji Kurokawa / AP
HIRATSUKA, Japan - Masanori Naruse jogs every day, collects miniature cars and feeds birds in his backyard, but he's proudest of the way his home and 2,200 others in Japan get electricity and heat water — with power generated by a hydrogen fuel cell.
The technology —
which draws energy from the chemical reaction when hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water — is more commonly seen in futuristic cars with tanks of hydrogen instead of gasoline, a key culprit in pollution and global warming.
Tomoko Naruse, 40, initially worried the thing would explode, given all she had heard about the dangers of hydrogen.
The entire process produces less greenhouse gas per watt than traditional generation. And no energy is wasted transporting the electricity where it's actually going to be used.
Honda/Plug Power test home hydrogen refuelling unit
November 24, 2004
Honda R&D Americas and Plug Power have announced the successful operation of the second-generation Home Energy Station (HES II), a home-based hydrogen refueling solution for fuel cell vehicles that furthers the development of a hydrogen infrastructure, and in turn, a sustainable energy future. HES II is the further evolution of a joint development effort by Honda and Plug
2015 is New Magic Date for Fuel Cell Vehicles
Published June 30, 2009
Despite repeated statements pinpointing 2015 for delivering fuel cell cars, automakers acknowledge two major hurdles in reaching that goal: high costs and lack of infrastructure. As Andreas Truckenbrodt, chief executive of the Automotive Fuel Cell Cooperation—a Daimler-Ford venture to advance fuel cells for vehicles—said, “Fuel cells work fine. The number one focus is now on cost reductions, and we know how to get there. Do you really think we would be spending billions if we were waiting for a miracle?”
Is It Time for An Open-Source Car?
July 27, 2009
In the Internet age, a company with limited funds and no track record can build a successful business with nothing more than a good idea and some powerful technology. It's not easy, but it can be done.
The same entrepreneurial spirit is coming to the auto industry. As cars become more and more like high-tech gadgets on wheels, a crop of new companies is trying to put “open source” or “crowdsourcing” concepts to use in making the next great hybrid, plug-in, or fuel cell car.
Three of these companies—Riversimple, OScar, and Local Motors—are up and running, but far from the practical step of actually building cars, much less becoming viable businesses.
Riversimple, an English company, was founded by ex-motorsports gearhead Hugo Spowers. Its Morgan Lifecar, a lightweight fuel cell vehicle that powers four independent electric wheel motors, was shown at the 2008 Geneva Motor Show.
Priuses Delivered to U.S. Aboard Solar Powered Vessel
August 4th, 2009 By Eric Loveday
The panels are attached to the top deck of the vessel some seven stories above the water. Their purpose is to offset the pollution created from the massive diesel engines. When docked, the vessel relies partly on solar power to keep certain system running thus reducing diesel fuel usage. The system is said to save about 6 tons of diesel fuel per trip.
During a recent trip, the Auriga Leader was loaded with approximately 6,200 vehicles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
August 3, 2009,
Big Trees Decline in Yosemite
By Kate Galbraith
a study released last week, scientists from the survey and the University of Washington found that the number of trees with large diameters fell by 24 percent from the 1930s to the 1990s.
For most species, “large diameters” were defined as greater than three feet.
The full study is available from the Forest Ecology and Management journal.
August 3, 2009,
Is Nuclear Power Renewable?
The latest setback came last week, when the head of the International Renewable Energy Agency –- an intergovernmental group known as IRENA that advises about 140 member countries on making the transition to clean energy –- dismissed the notion of including nuclear power among its favored technologies.
more-- http://www.irena.org/downloads/Foundconf/Signatory%20States_20090727.pdf
August 3, 2009
Electric Car Maker
Expects Market to Heat Up
By Todd Woody
Nissan on Saturday night introduced the Leaf, a battery-powered four-door hatchback with a range of 100 miles and a top speed of 87 miles an hour. The Japanese automaker described the Leaf, which is scheduled to be available in the United States market in the latter half of 2010, as the first real-world electric car.
That must have rankled Th!nk, the Norwegian electric car company formerly owned by Ford. The Think City, a highway-capable two-seater with a 112-mile range, began rolling off the assembly line in December 2007.
But the company halted production late last year as in the wake of the global economic crisis. Think subsequently obtained new financing and announced last week that it would begin selling electric drivetrains powered by lithium-ion batteries from the American manufacturer EnerDel.
Its first big customer:
the Japanese postal service, which will convert some of its 22,000-vehicle fleet to electric drive.
70 Viciously Twisted Tornadoes and Waterspouts
Written by Angie on August 3rd, 2009 -
Topics: Nature and Ecosystems, Science and Research
His electrical and her hydrogen as guardians in partnership events for our viewing and understanding life essential energies ?
Researchers set sail for the
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
By Paul Rogers
Hoping to learn more about one of the most glaring examples of waste and environmental pollution on earth, a group of scientists will set sail from San Francisco today to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a massive vortex of floating plastic trash estimated by some researchers to be twice the size of Texas.
From 1996 to 2006, the NOAA removed 1.1 million pounds of derelict fishing gear from the reefs and beaches of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, a chain of mostly uninhabited atolls and islands that stretch 1,500 miles from Kauai to Midway, near the garbage patch.
The beaches on those islands, because of their proximity to the currents known as the North Pacific Gyre, often are littered with cigarette lighters, fishing line, floats, toothbrushes, bottle caps and other floating junk, some of which is decades old.
In the central Pacific, there are up to six pounds of marine litter to every pound of plankton, and roughly 46,000 pieces of plastic litter are floating on every square mile of the oceans, according to a 2006 report from the United Nations Environment Programme.
"This stuff is ubiquitous," Bamford said. "Plastics break into smaller and smaller pieces, but they don't decompose."
Contact Paul Rogers at 408-920-5045.

Tiny Battery Traps Solar Power To Run An Entire House
in: Breakthrough Thinking, Great New Product, New Discoveries, Science & Technology News, Solar Power
Ceramatec have created the disk, which can hold up to 20-kilowatt hours
A small disc could be the solution for the efficient and cheap storage of the sun’s energy. A Utah-based company has found a new way to store solar energy – in a small ceramic disk which can store more power for less. Researchers at Ceramatec have created the disk, which can hold up to 20-kilowatt hours, enough to power an entire house for a large portion of the day.
“These batteries switch the whole dialogue to renewables,” said Daniel Nocera, professor of energy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who sits on Ceramatec’s advisory board. “They will turn us away from dumb technology, circa 1900 — a 110-year-old approach — and turn us forward.”
Drillers bid adios to Canada,
hola to Mexico
Pemex stokes oil boom with $240B boost
Calgary Herald July 30, 2009
As low natural gas prices continue to idle drilling equipment in Canada, the national oil company of Mexico is implementing plans to invest $240 billion US over the next 14 years to stoke its declining domestic industry.

Posted on July 31st, 2009 by admin
Now, a company called BlackLight Power (BLP) has signed a deal with Akridge Energy based out of Maryland to do its own spin on supplying 400 MW of continuous power using hydrogen. Besides Maryland, Akridge will also use the electricity to power part of Virginia and Washington DC as well.
BlackLight Power is currently selling its technology to 5 other utility companies producing 7,600 MW which is enough to power approximately 985,000 customers.
Here is what BlackLight Power has to say about its process, “… energy is released as the electrons of hydrogen atoms are induced by a catalyst to transition

loves H2, says all electric car fans "are Dungeons and Dragons freaks"
Jul 31st 2009
Last month, adrenaline junkie Jesse James attempted to set a new land speed record in his hydrogen-powered vehicle, sort of a purpose-built H2-rocket. Things didn't go as smooth as James hoped, but he's still a huge fan of hydrogen cars. As part of the
promotion for his show Jesse James is a Dead Man – which will air the attempt August 9
he told the LA Times that a car that "you can dump water right in. It will have a battery storage system like a hybrid and that will be used with electrolysis to convert water to hydrogen right on-site and you'll be able to run it with water and it'll be fully self-contained, self-sufficient," is one year away. ??? wow!?

MIT Developing Electric Vehicle that Charges in 10 Minutes Flat
July 28, 2009
Students at MIT recently announced that they are developing an extended range electric vehicle capable of achieving the same performance as its gasoline-powered counterparts.
Dubbed the elEVen, the electric dream ride is capable of achieving a top speed of over 100 mph, a range of 320km (200 miles) and can completely charge in 10 minutes flat!


Exxon's US lobbying exceeds clean-energy spending
July 31, 2009 - 8:10AM
Exxon Mobil, the biggest US oil producer, spent more on Washington lobbying during the first half of the year than all clean-energy companies combined, .
Exxon Mobil, based in Irving, Texas,
spent $US14.9 million ($18 million) lobbying in the six months, 23 per cent more than the $US12.1 million laid out by companies that make solar panels or wind turbines to generate electricity,
London-based New Energy Finance said today in a note to clients. Oil and gas companies spent a total of $US82.2 million on Washington lobbyists, according to the report.
Congress is debating legislation that would promote renewable power, limit carbon dioxide emissions caused by the burning of fossil fuels, and expand


http://www.oregoncatalyst.com/index.php/archives/2551-Plug-in-Electric-Cars-Not-the-Answer.html Plug-in Electric Cars
by Jerry Dawson Thursday, July 30. 2009
Mon, 07/20/2009 -
Agriculture Ecology Food
Federal Grant to Build Honeybee Habitats
As pollinating insects like bumblebees and honeybees are dying of mysterious colony collapse disorders, federal scientists are scrambling to save this beneficial insect. By building hedgerows and windbreaks filled with bee-friendly trees, shrubs, and grasses, federal scientists hope they can grow the bee population in California and help farmers grow more prolific fruit trees and vegetable plants. Colony collapse disorder has devastated much of the world, reducing yields in California and forcing Indian and Chinese farmers to hand-polinate their crops. Trillions of bees have already been lost to colony collapse disorder, which is thought to revolve around food scarcity, environmental stress, and pesticide use.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://auto.howstuffworks.com/electric-car.htm
How Electric Cars Work
The Subaru R1e electric car can be charged overnight on an ordinary household current. It has a range of 50 miles and a top speed of 62 miles per hour. See more electric car pictures.
July 29, 2009
Meanwhile, a balky, 160-megawatt refinery-owned power plant fed by refining leftovers is expected to remain off line for another week to 10 days, Marcogliese said. That plant is fueled by Valero is North America's largest refiner, with 16 sites, 22,000 employees and nearly 3 million barrels a day in refining capacity.
July 29, 2009
The U.S. has about 130,000 natural gas vehicles on the road, mostly fleet vehicles, according to lobbyist group NGV America, compared to 8.5 million worldwide, reports The Dallas Morning News. The U.S. has about 1,500 natural gas refueling stations, half of which are not for public use, which is a fraction of the more than 300,000 gasoline stations in the nation, according to the newspaper.
Backlash Over Biofuels Builds in Europe
A European Union panel has incited a new round of sturm und drang as it debates the role that biofuels should play in the continent’s quest for clean energy. Adding to the high-octane dialog, a report leaked to a British newspaper raises the possibility that the demand for biofuels bears the brunt of responsibility for rising food prices around the world.
Horizon’s fuel cells enable the world’s first affordable hydrogen car!
Today a new generation of fuel cells developed by Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies has enabled the world’s first low-cost and practical hydrogen car. The top secret UK development unveiled June 16 2009 in London is a two-seater zero emissions hydrogen-electric city car with an expected fuel consumption equivalent to 250 miles per gallon (US), four to five times better than today’s best available hybrid electric vehicles. What’s more, this innovative car could be made available to consumers for just £200 ($315) per month.
QUICK NEWS CLICK ONS ---BECAUSE EVs and PLUG INs informations is comming so fast now, i may have to go to just headlines of articles
Virtual-Engineering Power Plants
Prius will plug-in by 2010
Electric Ford Focus Due In 2011
Most Fords Will Be Electric Within 10 Years
Obama Announces $2.4 billion Grant for Electric Programs
Electric Audi With Solar-Powered Headlights
500 Orders for Tesla’s Model S in the First Week
Transportation June 25, 2009 by John Gartner
EVs Can Cut Cost of Mass Transit
One potential V2G application that could make financial sense down the road is for commuter parking lots to control the power flow of the thousands of vehicles parked during the day to load shift away from peak demand
Tue, Jul. 28, 2009 10:39 PM
Smith Electric trucks generate buzz in Washington
Smith Electric, the maker of battery-powered trucks that’s opening a plant in Kansas City, signaled its entry into the U.S. market by delivering Smith Newton trucks Tuesday on Capitol Hill to some big-name customers: Kansas City Power & Light, Pacific Gas and Electric, Coca-Cola Enterprises,
Frito-Lay, AT&T and Staples.
New Taser device can shock 3 people without reload
Mon Jul 27, 7:38 pm ET
FOUNTAIN HILLS, Arizona – A Taser stun gun, capable of shocking three people without being reloaded, was unveiled Monday in front of hundreds of law enforcement officers who applauded after watching six rounds of the barbed wire fired at metal targets.
Like the older models, the new stun gun shoots two barbed wires that deliver about 6 watts of electrical current for several seconds, temporarily immobilizing people from a distance. Only the new device has three sets of wires.
The device, which can hit people up to 35 feet away, looks like a bulky gun but weighs less than two pounds. It's about 2.5 inches wide and seven inches tall.
While the new Taser stun gun can be used against three people, it also can target the same person more than once. Smith said each barb would deliver a separate shock.
The device also will allow for greater accountability because it has sensors that measure each discharge, Smith said, and that data can then be downloaded and analyzed.------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nissan Wants To Charge EVs – Minus The Cord
Written by Yoni Levinson on 22/07/09
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ????? ?????
Natural gas gaining ground as
largest global energy source (Gulf Times) ?
July 26, 2009 By: admin Category: Fuel Cells, Future Energy, Green Power, Industry, wind power
By Pratap John Chief Business Reporter
Natural gas is set to become the second largest global energy source by 2030,
accounting for about 25% of world energy,
ExxonMobil said in a report.
View post:Natural gas gaining ground as largest global energy source (Gulf Times)
? ? ? ??? ???? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? -----------------------------------------------------------------------
9. ENERGY POLICY: Sweden tries to nudge E.U. toward 'eco-efficiency' (Greenwire, 07/23/2009)
"If we are to manage climate change with growing economies, we must adapt the way we build, live and move around," Carlgren said.
"Global demand for environmental solutions that contribute to that transformation will be great. By adapting early, the E.U. can gain a competitive edge while doing our bit for the climate."

Jan. 15 - 09(Bloomberg) ????? ALASKA LOST 9 BILLION ?????
There Will be No Customer Access to High Voltage on the Chevy Volt, but it Can Jump Start Another Car May 18th, 2009
The Volt is different than traditional cars on many levels beyond its electric drivetrain. One way is that its battery can store 16 kwh of energy, enough to power the average US household for about half a day. People ask if they will be able to access that energy to power their home during a blackout -----Lithium-ion batteries degrade over time. There’s no getting around this fact. GM is going out of its way to pamper the Volt’s pack so as to guarantee up to 40 miles of pure electric range even at 10 years or 150,000 miles of driving.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSLJ563374
Jet turbine could power hybrid electric car
Jul 21, 2009
ETV Motors, a private company based just outside Tel Aviv that has raised some $12 million in investments, says it has developed a micro-turbine engine to act as an on-board charger and a high-density battery that can power a vehicle for about 60-80 km (35-50 miles) on one charge. ETV Motors says its batteries will power a car for more than twice as long, and with its on-board charger, will not be dependent on complicated electric charging infrastructure, though the car will be plug-in compatible, the company said.
Scotland’s Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Sustainable Growth is inviting Japanese companies and universities to work with their Scottish counterparts to find new ways to meet renewable energy goals , move toward a low-carbon economy and tackle climate change. Speaking at Tokyo University, John Swinney told an audience of business leaders and students that, as a nation with the world’s most ambitious emission reduction targets, Scotland was adopting aggressive renewable energy targets----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
July 20, 2009
The NSW Government will offer a $5 million prize for the best clean energy project developed in partnership with a state university and business.
Want to hear a psuedo intellectual conservative Webinar broadcast on HYBRIDS ?http://www.automotiveworld.webcastglobal.com/
Nissan to Build Electric Cars at
U.K. Factory, BBC Says
July 20 (Bloomberg) --
Nissan Motor Co. will build electric cars at its Sunderland factory in a 380 million pound project that will secure the jobs of 4,000 employees, the BBC reported. The project will be supported in part by funds from the European Investment Bank and government grants, the report said.
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SEE IF YOU CAN find WHATS WRONG IN THIS PICTURE?http://students.washington.edu/llmichel/sample/writingsample.pdf
Hydrogen power plant proposed
for Molokai
The Honolulu Advertiser
July 18, 2009 Save Print Email
---one of four sites on which it plans to build what it calls the world's first utility-scale, zero-emissions hydrogen power plants.
The Molokai plant, proposed by Jetstream Wind Inc., would use electricity from wind or solar or a combination of the two to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen would then be burned in a turbine - similar to what is used in a natural-gas-fired power plant - and would generate enough electricity to power 6,000 homes and businesses, the company said. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Welcome to Hydrogen Energy http://www.hydrogenenergy.com/78.html -- This is a BP/Rio Tinto site ^
---- BP and Edison Plan Major Hydrogen Power Project for California ?
May 24, 2007
GE and BP Form Alliance to Develop and Deploy Hydrogen Power Technologies ?http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/ge/?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20070524006012&newsLang=enhttp://www.riotinto.com/documents/PR523g_Rio_Tinto_BP_Hydrogen_Energy.pdf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
can international oil companies be part of the solution?
Gas flaring releases toxic substances that damage the human immune system and cause acid rain. Flaring has been a major cause of social unrest among affected communities in the Niger Delta.
The joint ventures of Agip, Chevron, Shell and Total have funded a number of IPPs. These are business ventures, but the big multi national energy firms tend to treat them as social investments, rather than core business.
SYLVANIA’s ECOlight LED Water Powered Shower Light is a fun eco gadget that will give you light in the shower, powered only by the flow of water through the gadget. Using a tiny water turbine, the flow of water produces enough energy to illuminate you when giving yourself a scrub.
The LED light itself is adjustable, so you can point it in any direction you want. As an additional safety feature, the outside edges of the ECOlight will change to red when the temperature goes above 41 degrees Celsius (105.8 degrees Fahrenheit), or go blue when the temperature goes below 25.5 degrees Celsius (78 degrees Fahrenheit).
Incandescent light bulbs may have a bright future after all
July 15, 2009
Traditional incandescent bulb (left) and one using Deposition Sciences technology (right) Photo: Jim Wilson/The New York Times
The New York Times reports that Deposition Sciences, a producer of optical thin-film coatings, has developed an enhanced silver coating that it says provides superior reflector performance and increased lumen output. In a traditional incan
PHOTO OF THE WEEK: This enterprising businessman in Ketchikan, Alaska has several GEM electric cars available for tourists who arrive on cruise ships. According to Dr. Lew Pinch, who provided me with the photo, the cars are rented at the Rain Barrel hardware store in Ketchikan for $50 an hour. For many of the vacationers, I'll bet this is the first time they've seen or driven a NEV. Here's hoping it's a great experience for them, rain or shine.
June 4, 2009
Slide Show:
The World's 10 Largest Renewable Energy Projects
From wind and wave to sun and trash, a look at how existing power plants are providing electricity generated from renewable sources on a massive scale
Jun 19, 2009
Nuclear power could cost trillions over renewables
---claims that adding 100 new reactors to the U.S. power grid would cost taxpayers and customers between $1.9 and $4.1 trillion over the reactors’ lifetimes compared with renewable power sources and conservation measures.
2008 - 3 mile island >>>>>
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.popsci.com/category/tags/energy
The Plan to Build the Next Electric Grid -- 06.23.2009
The American electric grid is an engineering marvel, arguably the single largest and most complex machine in the world. It's also 40 years old and so rickety that power interruptions and blackouts cost the economy some $150 billion a year.
----------------------------- "cap and trade" > articles http://www.scientificamerican.com/search/index.cfm?q=cap+and+trade&submit.x=21&submit.y=8
Maya 300: The Electric Car ExxonMobil Wants You To Drive
Wed Jun 24 2009,
The Maya 300 is the result of collaboration between Maya, battery supplier Electrovaya, and technology backer ExxonMobil and is currently heading for fleet sales and possibly an urban car sharing scheme in Baltimore, Maryland. Its Electrovaya lithium ion batteries utilize ExxonMobil's co-extruded separator film to pack energy into the smallest possible size yielding a 12 kWh battery with a 60 mile range or a 27 kWh battery good for 120 miles. The car is motivated via a 15 kW permanent magnet motor (that's a stampede of 20 HP to the rest of us). Recharge times are 6-8 hours on 110V and half that at 220V.
-------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
Greenwashing Watch: GM Considering Changing Its Logo from Blue to Green [Updated]
by Michael Graham Richard, Ottawa, Canada on 07.10.09
GM VOLT - WOW ! http://www.chevroletvoltage.com/
# 68 > GM VOLT COMMENTS, NOTES ETC. here it is ! > http://gm-volt.com/
Research predicts more than 5 million electric vehicle charging stations worldwide by 2015
Jun 24, 2009Source: Motor Age
As plug-in hybrid and other electric vehicles begin shipping in volume starting in 2010, a robust new infrastructure will be required for charging access at home, at work and around town
Seattle to be the Leader in Clean Energy & Electric Vehicles
gas2.org —
Seattle's Mayor lays out his assertion that his city will take the lead in the race
to dominate clean energy and electric vehicle charging in US cities. The city utility is carbon neutral, Seattle has an online permitting process for home charging stations, a plan to establish 1000 charging stations across the city, & an electric light rail coming.
The electric cannon delivers shells over 200 miles at Mach 5
Lithium Ion Battery breakthrough promises 100-fold boost in performance
By Paul Evans 05:42 March 16, 2009 PDT
Researchers have developed a new advanced Lithium Ion battery that will allow mobile phone and laptop computers to be fully charged in seconds. Electric car batteries may be charged in as little as five minutes, removing one of the main barriers to wider uptake of EVs. Solar and wind power generation could also benefit as better batteries could be used to store surplus energy.
Thanks to a PG&E grant, Tesla charging stations are popping up all over Northern California, including in Davis, Dixon, Vacaville, Fairfield, Vallejo, San Ramon, and San Francisco. Over 500 Tesla Roadster drivers are chomping at the bit to charge anywhere, and "Tesla drivers love to travel... I hear from them every weekend,"
Article Summary
Hywind, the 2.3MW floating offshore wind turbine being developed by Norwegian oil and gas company StatoilHydro, Siemens and Technip has now been installed and moored to the seabed off the coast of Norway. Once cables to the mainland grid have been laid, the wind turbine prototype will undergo a two year pilot which will
HyWind - world's first floating wind turbine reaches its final destination
The Hywind floating wind turbine is towed to its final offshore destination PHOTO: Øyvind Hagen, StatoilHydro
The 'Air Car' a Vehicle that Delivers 100 MPG -
-The living green channel
V-Vehicle Company Will Build New American Green Car in Louisiana --Natural GAS.
If you've never heard of the V-Vehicle Company of San Diego, California, you are not alone. But if a bold plan backed by billionaire investor T. Boone Pickens and a group of venture capitalists headed by Ray Lane and John Doerr of Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers and Louisiana businessman James Davison comes off as planned, it could become one of the hottest players in the "new" auto game. The V-Vehicle brief calls for a new "high quality,
June 2009
Turbines Spin in Antarctica Wind energy is being harnessed everywhere, even Antarctica. The Belgian research station on the continent, named Princess Elisabeth and opened in February by the International Polar Foundation, is powered primarily by eight small wind turbines that can withstand the extreme arctic conditions. Average winds are 53 mph, and winter gusts can top 200 mph. Proven Energy in Scotland supplied the turbines. The design has also weathered ice storms in Slovenia and typhoons in Japan. Such remote stations typically use diesel generators, but Princess Elisabeth is also outfitted with photovoltaic cells to help the turbines provide electricity for lights, computers and scientific instruments, as well as solar-thermal panels to melt snow for water.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MADRID, Spain, April 03, 2008 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] announced today that it has, for the first time in aviation history, flown a manned airplane powered by hydrogen fuel cells.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Technology- WOW ! WATCH THE VIDEO - KINDA NEAT.. The mainstream media flat missed this one, but we think it's a rather cool breakthrough. Electric Airplane Sets Speed Record This is not a fuel cell flight ! By Robert Roy Britt, Editorial Director posted: 25 June 2009 01:22 pm ETThe electric SkySpark flew for the first time June 8, then on June 10 was airborne for 8 minutes and hit a top speed of 155 mph (250 km/h). That speed is said to be a record speed for a 100-percent electrically powered aircraft, according to SkySpark.http://www.livescience.com/technology/090625-skyspark-electric-plane-speed-record.htmlVideo: See the Record-Setting Electric Plane Flight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yuneec Chinese Electric Airplane Info & First Flight in taking the first steps toward practical electric flight on the eve of the unveiling of Solar Impulse -- an enormous aircraft that seeks to fulfill the enormous goal of 24- ...
Watch this video on youtube.com
This video cannot be played here. Watch it on youtube.com. Watch video here --------------------------------------------------------------------------http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_generic.jsp?channel=awst&id=news/aw080309p2.xml&headline=Electric%20Aircraft%20Technology%20Effort%20Gets%20Boost%20at%20OshkoshOshkosh Aug 2, 2009
By John Morris
The arrival of a Chinese-built electric-powered aircraft at the Experimental Aircraft Assn.'s AirVenture 2009 has sharpened the focus on making the technology commercially viable."We said let's do something bigger," says Coote. And construction is now underway in China on a 260,000-sq.-ft. factory that will employ 250 making all of Tian's electrical model and Yuneec electric products. An aircraft factory will follow.
Yuneec has been building air-cooled, brushless electric motors of 10 kw./23 hp. and 20 kw./27 hp. for parasail and ultralight aircraft, and has developed the 40-kw./54-hp. motor that powers its Yuneec E430, which arrived at Oshkosh with 21.5 flight hours on it. "We are planning production for mid-2010," notes Coote.
MAGNETIC MOTORS...these are moving very fast and deserve attention.
Article Summary
Dubai conjures up BIG images; not just the tallest structures, although it currently holds that crown, but also big as in flamboyant, lavish and generally larger than life. Amidst the opulence, extravagance and seemingly limitless budgets – or perhaps because of the latter – Dubai is increasingly embracing its green side.
Video of Mayor Drives First Electric Port Drayage Truck Off Assembly Line
15 Ton EV Travels 150 Miles on a Single Charge
July 24th, 2009
Los Angeles’ green technology sector takes a heavy-duty roll this week with the grand opening of a manufacturing facility in Harbor City that will begin producing fleets of clean, all-electric, heavy-duty trucks capable of hauling 30-ton shipping containers in and around the San Pedro Bay port complex
The mainstream media flat missed this one, but we think it's a rather cool breakthrough.
Electric Airplane Sets Speed Record
By Robert Roy Britt, Editorial Director posted: 25 June 2009 01:22 pm ET
The electric SkySpark flew for the first time June 8, then on June 10 was airborne for 8 minutes and hit a top speed of 155 mph (250 km/h). That speed is said to be a record speed for a 100-percent electrically powered aircraft, according to SkySpark.
Video: See the Record-Setting Electric Plane Flight
World's oldest marijuana stash totally busted
Two pounds of still-green weed found in a 2,700-year-old Gobi Desert grave
REPORT: Japan could require hybrids to emit sound
by Jeremy Korzeniewski on Jul 3rd, 2009
Strange But True: Researchers extracing hydrogen from urine
Navy Orders $100M in Solary Energy Systems
Green Power Takes Root in the Chinese Desert
This year China is on track to pass the United States as the world’s largest market for wind turbines — after doubling wind power capacity in each of the last four years. State-owned power companies are competing to see which can build solar plants fastest, though these projects are much smaller than the wind projects.
“The problem is we have so many stupid enterprises,” said Li Junfeng, who is the deputy director general for energy research at China’s top economic planning agency and the secretary general of the government-run Renewable Energy Industries Association.
HSBC predicts that China will invest more money in renewable energy between now and 2020 than in coal-fired and oil-fired electricity.
Massachusetts Unveils Ocean Energy Plan
Massachusetts on Wednesday released a draft plan for the permitting and management of ocean energy projects, such as tidal and wind power farms. The state said it is the first such comprehensive plan in the nation. The plan aims to support the
Zero Carbon City


Small, Low Speed Wind Turbine June 15th, 2009
Honeywell Wind Turbine and it will be distributed through Ace Hardware stores in the U.S. It will be sold for $4,500. WindTronics developed the turbine and licensed the technology to buildings systems giant Honeywell.
1912 Detroit Electric Car >

(neat site intro)
Detroit Electric Holdings and Dongfeng Motor Corporation announced plans to jointly research, develop, market and sell pure electric vehicles in China, based on Detroit Electric's electric drive technology.
Those agreements provided Detroit Electric with vehicle platforms and its first manufacturing base, and put it on the fast track to introduce a full line of innovative, practical and affordable pure electric vehicles to the global market.
Detroit Electric targets to sell 45,000 electric vehicles across Europe, the United Statesand Asia by next year; increasing to 270,000 by 2012.
Announces EV Deal with Dongfeng20 June, 2009 12:36:http://puregreencars.com/Green-Cars-News/electric/detroit_electric_announces_ev_deal_with_dongfeng.html -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The third-largest Japanese automaker, after Toyota and Honda, said its
five-passenger plug-in hatchback runs about 100 miles (160 kilometers) on a single charge and uses a standard 220-volt outlet to recharge. (below)

Seattle welcomes Nissan electric car in 2010 >
The city of Seattle and Nissan North America said Tuesday they will work together to promote the development of an electric car charging network in Seattle.
Nissan plans to introduce plug-in electric vehicles in 2010 in Seattle, along with other markets including Oregon and Tennessee, and mass market them globally two years later.
"From light rail to street cars to electric vehicles, we're reducing the impact of transportation on our climate," Mayor Greg Nickels said Tuesday.
Katherine Zachary, a Nissan spokeswoman, said it takes about four hours to recharge the car and the company is working to promote technology to cut that time down to about 26 minutes.

LEMVs to assist surveillance efforts in AfghanistanAtul Jun 10 2009
The Army wants to substitute the UAVs with these blimps given their endurance, carrying capacity and the relative speed.
The LEMV can be launched for a three-week-long mission and
can cover up to 2500 miles, carrying a payload of 2500lb at an altitude of 20,000 ft.

Walnut Creek Installs 3 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations -
virtually every major auto manufacturer
has announced plans to produce plug-in
vehicles in the next 1-3 years.
Posted: 21 Jun 2009 12:20 AM PDT
Coulomb Technologies has taken the initiative to install their ChargePoint™ Networked Charging Stations for electric vehicles in Walnut Creek, CA. Walnut Creek has got the distinction of becoming the third Bay Area city to deploy charging station.
Coulomb’s charging stations were officially inaugurated on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at the Locust Street Garage. The [...]Posted in:
Electric Cars, Industry, Transportation
Charge Stations ( there are many entering the market)
Big Oil to Cleantech: We're Coming!
Oil Majors Testing Clean Energy Waters
By Nick HodgeThursday, July 2nd, 2009
"I guess there's no power like clean power to produce, well, oil."
"I find it reassuring to know that even the sworn enemy of cleantech is finally coming around."
"And it's not about carbon or altruism in any way, shape or form. It's about profits and a major energy transition—plain and simple."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
ENERGY USE FALLS - this is an info packed article
Energy ministers from the Group of Eight (G8) leading economies will hear Sunday that worldwide electricity use will fall this year for the first time since records began in 1945.
“This shows how deep a recession we are in,” Dr Birol said yesterday. “Oil demand has declined in the past due to oil price shocks and financial crisis, but electricity consumption has never decreased.If you want to measure the health of an economy, you look at the electricity consumption.” http://www.thenational.ae/article/20090523/BUSINESS/705239883/-1/NEWS
Abu Dhabi Wealth Fund Lost $125 Billion, Council Says (Update3)
Jan. 15 - 09(Bloomberg) ????? ALASKA LOST 9 BILLION ?????
Japan’s Oil, LNG Imports Fall on Fuel, Power Demand
Posted on Jul. 23, 2009
Japan’s oil imports fell in June for an eighth month as refiners and power utilities continued production cuts because of the global recession, slashing crude requirements in the world’s second-largest economy.
Japan shipped in 15.02 million kiloliters, or about 3.15 million barrels a day, of crude oil last month, down 19.1 percent from a year earlier, a preliminary finance ministry trade report released in Tokyo today shows. Imports of liquefied natural gas declined 9 percent in June to 5.16 million metric tons.
Ten regional utilities led by Tokyo Electric Power Co. reduced output last month by 5.6 percent on sluggish demand from factories, according to the Federation of Electric Power Companies, reducing their use of oil and LNG, the two main fuels for thermal power plants. Nippon Oil Corp. and Idemitsu Kosan Co. lowered operating rates at plants in response to weaker demand for automotive and industrial fuels.
http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=ELECTRIC+VEHICLE+TRAINING+SCHOOLS&btnG=Search+Images&gbv=2&aq=f&oq= -----------------------------------------------------------------